[Action] Lindblum Theater District

Apr 26, 2011 19:53

(This will be date/time-tagged to the morning after the fall of the Adamantoise and the rest of the baddies)

[He'd taken refuge after the battle in his warehouse, the lingering smell of saltpeter and sulfur clinging to the walls and anyone in the building.  Sleep had been difficult to come by, but eventually, after hours of listening to the world outside for any sign of growl, snarl, or thud, he succumbed.   When he woke, he took a good look around.  Tseng was at his side - it was hard to tell if he was actually asleep, or just resting his eyes.  Rufus as well.  And anyone else who had decided to take shelter in the locked door of one of the few buildings that hadn't been overcome.  His own fingers were curled around the shaft of his Tower, much as he'd rather be holding onto the two forms so nearby him.

He gave them all another look, quiet for once, and stood shakily, brushing bits of dust and gunpowder from his worn clothes, then headed for the door.  He listened, then carefully unlocked it as silently as he could, slipping outside into the daylight and closing the door behind him as softly as possible.  The scene around him was breathtakingly awful.  Buildings were rubble.  Some were smoking from fires that had sprung up from the damage.  Their manor, what little of it he could see from there, was missing part of its second story, and much of its roof.  And it'd been spared some of the worst damage, too - a few feet to the side of it, the building it shared a yard with was scattered stone and plaster - and nothing more.

This - this place had become his home in the short months he'd been here.  Yes, it wasn't his true home.  But it was something he'd gotten used to.  Something he'd fought to the teeth to defend.  Lindblum had been dealt a horrible blow.  But she was still standing.  She'd been knocked to her knees, but she drew breath even now.]

.... Where to start? ... 

rufus shinra, cissnei, tseng, reno

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