
Mar 26, 2011 03:32

[Mjrn definitely seems a lot better since she was first rescued from the Devil's Road. All of her injuries have since been treated and being dead to the world for a little while has done wonders for that exhaustion. She's seated at the edge of one of the infirmary beds, having slipped into her regular attire. Her travel pack rests at her side.]

My thanks to all those who delivered me from the Devil's Road. I owe you my life.

[A small but genuine smile forms at that, her gratitude far from reluctantly given.]

Now that I am rested, it seems I have a considerable amount to learn. I have been absent since November, and wish to learn all that has transpired since that time. If any might grant me insight, I would be grateful.

[Oh, and one other thing. She withdraws from her pack a chalice, which by now must be familiar to some.]

I discovered this relic among my belongings. It seems familiar; were there not more than one in Gaia?

[Now that Mjrn is largely recovered, she's on the move. The young Viera departs the infirmary, intent on seeking her sister and friends. It's not enough to thank them over the Sky Phone and she knows it. Besides, she would prefer to catch up with them in person.]

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