Mar 19, 2011 19:37
[Galbadia Garden is a big lonely place when you're on your own. Thank goodness for Angelo. Rinoa is sitting in the dimly lit auditorium, Angelo just in shot beside her. What can be seen of her face looks worried.]
So... You guys are still in Memoria, right? I'm just first back. Because, um, I can't get hold of Selphie. Or Zell. Or Irvine. They can't all be gone. Can they?
The students are just milling around aimlessly without you here, Squall. It happened to them too. Memoria, I mean. At least the ones who'd talk to me said that. I don't know what to do. Do I stay put? Do I try looking for everyone?
[Rinoa looks down, hand clutching the ring at her neck.]
I saw that place, Squall. You know, where we promised to meet. Only... it doesn't exist here. So I don't have anywhere else to go.
[She's starting to get teary, so she leans forward to switch the feed off.]
quistis trepe,
celes chere,
terra branford,
rosa farrell,
!video post,
rinoa heartilly