Mar 04, 2011 22:29
[Well. Life had just been keeping him on his toes since his arrival on Gaia. Laguna had been kept busy, catching up with Raine and Elle, getting to know Slai, getting comfortable and making an effort to trust himself around the baby, meeting Squall and taking the tour of Garden. Aside from that first night in Treno, he and Raine hadn't managed much time to themselves yet. She had mentioned wanting to hold a sort of family conference, but before that, Laguna was pretty sure there was a couch in their rooms at the palace in Alfitaria that had their names written all over it. Once Raine returned from tucking Brooke in for the night, he would pounce. Possibly quite literally.]
((Backdated just a touch, to after the meeting with Squall & co. at Garden! The Loires need to talk about their living situation, and Laguna demands a cuddle before all that serious business.))
ellone loire,
laguna loire,
raine loire,
!action post