[Voice Mail]

Feb 27, 2011 00:57

[In the event that you've been trying to call Selphie, she's been a bit dead to the world. But if her voice mail is any indication...]

Hi there! You've reached Selphie. I'm sorry that I missed your call but leave me a message and I'll get back to ya! Ta ta for now~!

selphie tilmitt, !voicemail, irvine kinneas

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[Action] ladiesmanirvine February 27 2011, 16:43:33 UTC
[After a few times calling and never leaving a message, this dashing young cowboy goes to check up on her friend. He knocks on the door]

Selph? You in there?


[Action] boomchucka February 27 2011, 17:02:59 UTC
[She hears the knocking and wants to ignore it but when she hears Irvine's voice she crawls out of bed and trundles over to the door before opening it. She'll take a few moments to rub the sleep out of her eyes.]

I'm here. What time is it?


[Action] ladiesmanirvine February 27 2011, 17:29:28 UTC
A little past noon. [He grins]

You mind if I come in, sleeping beauty?


[Action] boomchucka February 27 2011, 17:39:15 UTC
[She nods before stepping aside to let Irvine in.]

Just don't mind the mess right now... I kinda came in, took a shower and crashed.


[Action] ladiesmanirvine February 27 2011, 17:44:45 UTC
[He walks in looks around the place] Feh, if this is a mess you should see my room, its a sty.

[He looks at her worried] so...how are you?


[Action] boomchucka February 27 2011, 17:58:19 UTC
You should probably clean that up then.

[He's worried and she won't lie to Irvine. He'd see right through it anyway.] I'm okay. Happy to be home.


[Action] ladiesmanirvine February 27 2011, 18:07:37 UTC
I'm glad for that. [Sighs] You know when I heard you got locked up, I was ready to fly the big red machine right to come and get you.

And to tell you the truth not having you around here...well...[looks away] Well I'll admit I missed you.


[Action] boomchucka February 27 2011, 18:26:02 UTC
[Her head cocks to the side. He blew it big time but she missed him too. Best friends are a must have in times like this.]

I missed you guys too. I just hope Raine doesn't find out...


[Action] ladiesmanirvine February 27 2011, 18:31:02 UTC
You know I don't think I ever met her. But if you're scared of her then she has to be worse than all those sorceresses we've faced. [Grins at her]

Speaking of scary people, did Squall say anything to you when you came back?


[Action] boomchucka February 27 2011, 23:41:56 UTC
She's Squall's Mom and she's definitely scarier than a Sorceress. But... she took care of me when I got hurt fighting Lufene. She's really nice; she just doesn't like it when we get hurt and she's definitely not a fan of SeeD.

He just told me to stay out of trouble.


Re: [Action] ladiesmanirvine February 28 2011, 00:10:05 UTC
[Sighs] Seems like a lot of people aren't around here. And maybe they're right to feel that way. [Shakes head] But that's something else altogether.

... [Looks at her] Well, how about you and I go get some hot chocolate...I'm sure this Garden has a kitchen with that stuff. And then we can go do whatever you want...just ya know...nothing like sky diving off the Garden or something. [Chuckles] [Irvine trying to cheer up Selphie mode, activated...wait isn't this usually the other way around?]


[Action] boomchucka February 28 2011, 01:26:13 UTC
[Cue stomach growling and sheepish grin.] I should probably eat something too...


[Action] ladiesmanirvine February 28 2011, 03:25:25 UTC
[Grins and shakes his head] Well you have been sleeping and un-Selphie since you came back. [Motions his head to the door] Come on, lets see what the cafeteria has...and since I'm a gentleman...it'll be my treat.


[Action] boomchucka February 28 2011, 03:53:54 UTC
I was tired and... [Thank Hyne her pajama top is long sleeved and doesn't show a whole lot.]

Steiner's a jerk.


[Action] ladiesmanirvine February 28 2011, 11:47:41 UTC
Yea, guess he is kind of a jerk. [He would say that it was partially her fault, but he's here to cheer her up not put her down] But whatever happened, happened.

[Walks over and wraps her arm around her shoulder] So come on, the Selphie I know wouldn't let one little jail time get the best of her. Right?


[Action] boomchucka March 1 2011, 03:52:50 UTC
She will however, let the cold floor stop her from leaving the room without shoes.


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