
Feb 23, 2011 08:27

Here! Take this! [The image comes on just in time to show a moogle shoving the sky phone into the hand of a man in dragoon armor.] Now you'd better get out of here, kupo. I don't like this place!

[The man doesn't follow after the moogle, though. Instead, he examines the sky phone in his hand, and the area he's standing in- the remains of a ( Read more... )

oerba yun fang, rydia of mist, ursula leiden, firion, ceodore harvey, rosa farrell, !video post, bartz klauser, minwu, cecil harvey, ricard highwind, kain highwind

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[Video] warkitoff February 23 2011, 13:31:27 UTC
Man, a place where even the moogles don't wanna be? Sounds like bad news.


[Video] last_dragoon February 23 2011, 13:36:28 UTC
[Hearing the sound of a voice makes Ricard glance around the area- he has no idea what the device in his hand is, obviously.]

What? Who's there?


[Video] warkitoff February 23 2011, 13:40:18 UTC
Down here. That thing the moogle just gave you. S'for communication, carries messages from one of 'em to another.


[Video] last_dragoon February 23 2011, 13:48:52 UTC
[He finally looks down at the device. If he weren't wearing the helmet, it might be more obvious that he's staring at it suspiciously.]

That's what it was? A moogle?

That doesn't answer who you are, either.


[Video] warkitoff February 23 2011, 13:51:37 UTC
Yeah. Little white squishy-looking thing? Red thing on its' head? Moogle. They're all over the place. Seem to have a thing about getting people to talk to each other, too, with how they make sure everyone has one of these things.

I'm just a guy. Bartz. Good to meetcha.


[Video] last_dragoon February 23 2011, 14:05:02 UTC
I've never heard of one before.

Bartz, huh? I'm Ricard Highwind.


[Video] warkitoff February 23 2011, 14:09:38 UTC
Little guys are pretty rare where I'm from, too. But they're all over the place here.

That's dragoon armour, right?

[...not really a job he ever enjoyed. Too much up involved.]


[Video] last_dragoon February 23 2011, 14:16:44 UTC
Where're you from, then? I've never heard of anywhere in the world with creatures like those.

[He's grinning, with a sad kind of pride.] That's right. I'm a dragoon.


[Video] warkitoff February 23 2011, 15:08:53 UTC
[He shrugs.] Nowhere around here.



[Video] last_dragoon February 23 2011, 15:24:05 UTC
Where is here, anyway?

"Huh" what? Surprised to see one?


[Video] warkitoff February 23 2011, 15:31:14 UTC
Gaia. Don't really know the details too well, but the basics is 'some guy messed up, hope you like it here because you're not gonna be able to get back anytime soon'.

Pretty much. Aren't any alive back home since the late king died, not unless you count Lenna. Not too many of 'em here, either.


[Video] last_dragoon February 23 2011, 15:40:50 UTC
Not like I have much to go back to in the first place. But is this all there is to it? [He gestures at the wasteland around him.]

...The king? But... [He's still under the impression that this is some part of his own world.]


[Video] warkitoff February 23 2011, 15:47:24 UTC
[He shakes his head.] Not at all. Gaia's- it's a whole world. Parts of other places are here too, same reason we are. Did the little guy show you how to use the map? If there's somewhere on there that sounds familiar maybe you can figure out if there's anyone here who knows you.

King Alexander Highwind of Tycoon. Story was that he had dragoon blood in him, at least. It was why the symbol of Tycoon was a Wind Drake.


[Video] last_dragoon February 23 2011, 15:53:28 UTC
What do you mean, parts of other places?

I've never heard of Tycoon, or of a Highwind named Alexander.


[Video] warkitoff February 23 2011, 16:04:27 UTC
...oh man, I gotta explain this?

Okay, I can do this. Just- this is gonna all sound weird, I can't help that. Okay so- there's a guy. He's big, strong, mean... probably not all there upstairs? One of those types. Well, for some reason - I dunno, maybe he just really needs a hobby - he ended up taking parts of worlds and sticking 'em somewhere else. People, mostly. And places. And monsters.

-guess there really isn't a way to explain this and have it make sense. Long story short, you're not at home. And there's not a way back that you can control. Your best bet is to look around, see if you can find places and people from wherever you're here from.

Guess I shouldn't be too surprised you don't know of 'em. See, that's kinda what I mean. They're from where I got pulled from. You're from somewhere else, if you don't know of them. Or somewhen else, I guess.


[Video] last_dragoon February 23 2011, 16:12:39 UTC
[The best thing that can be said for Bartz's explanations is that they're interesting.]

.... uh-huh.

And who's this guy that's behind it? Is it the Emperor?


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