[ One // Video ]

Feb 07, 2011 16:50

[The feed opens on a man who looks as though he's making a great effort to contain his panic. He exhales heavily, raking his fingers through his hair as he tries to compose himself.] Hey, is this thing on? The moogle said I should be able to post a broadcast or somethin' if I just followed his instructions. Looks like it's recording. Anyway!

[The scenery over his shoulder seems to be the waterfront in Treno, near one of the nicer hotels. He rubs at the back of his neck, sheepishly.]

The moogle said there wasn't a way to get back, but, uh... anyone around here know of any loophole for that? I don't really have time to be kickin' around another world, I've got some stuff going on back home. I just got some-- [He pauses briefly, frowning.] -- bad news. I gotta get back so I can find my little girl. It's really important, so if there's anyone who can lend me a hand, I'd really appreciate it. Name's Laguna. Look me up, please? Thanks.

... I just sort of became the president of a nation recovering from tyrannical rule, so... it wouldn't be a charity case. I can pay you.

marlene wallace, ellone loire, rydia of mist, raine loire, !video post, bartz klauser, rinoa heartilly, tidus, rughadjeen, selphie tilmitt, oerba dia vanille, laguna loire, squall leonhart

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