{ One - Video }

Jan 16, 2011 21:16

[The video opens up centered on Balthier's face, one eye squinted as an amused smirk pulls at his lips. He seems to be examining the device, and gently turns it so that the image of him is briefly slanted, then rights it again immediately afterwards.]Truly a remarkable device. Everything that helpful moogle said it would be. Greetings. As I'm sure ( Read more... )

auron, !video post, refia, irvine kinneas, ashelia b'nargin dalmasca, fran, balthier, marquis halim ondore, basch fon ronsenburg, tifa lockhart

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[video] mademyresolve January 17 2011, 17:30:58 UTC
[It's not often Ashe finds herself caught off guard, but the all too familiar (and very unexpected) Archadian tones of the Sky Pirate are impossible to miss. Grasping the device she is granted visual confirmation, and unlike her uncle, makes little attempt to disguise her surprise with tact.]



[video] theleadingman January 17 2011, 18:51:15 UTC
[For once, Balthier looks as though he's been caught by surprise as well, but only very briefly. He offers the camera a winsome smile.]

Hello again, Princess.


[video] mademyresolve January 17 2011, 19:30:28 UTC
[One trait of his which always arose mild annoyance in her was the way in which the pirate always appeared collected, even when having been thrust into a new world. Three times. The slight frown is evidence of this. Shaking this aside, Ashe exhales, a hint of worry there on her brow. She is pleased to see him, even if that hasn't come across yet.]

You had been returned - I - Where are you?


[video] theleadingman January 17 2011, 20:32:08 UTC
[He chooses not to comment on the frown, and remains pleasant and seemingly unruffled.]

Lindblum, so I've been told, marveling at their interesting architecture and use of steam. I've also been told that I've arrived in Gaia twice before, excursions that I certainly don't recall. Though from what I've gathered about the involvement of temporal rifts, that's not entirely unusual.

Where are you?


[video] mademyresolve January 18 2011, 18:22:23 UTC
You have been informed truthfully, Balthier.

[She sighs quietly, the relief felt at the pirate's return ridding her of the frown, and a placidity comes about her face. At least Lindblum is a largely safe location, she reasons, so he should be fine. There's a pause in which Ashe studies him wordlessly, almost as if to reassure herself that he isn't an illusion.]

I am far to your North, in the Port City of Warjilis. A city belonging to Ivalice... of our future. I have been charged with the governance of her people for many months, now.


[video] theleadingman January 19 2011, 00:40:59 UTC
[He cocks his head to one side as she pauses, causing his earrings to jangle.]

A role I'm sure you stepped into with ease, Princess. I can think of no one better. If you're not too terribly busy with affairs of state, I may request you bring me up to speed at a later time. I fear I've missed much, and that there are a number of things that I should know if I'm to stay here for any length of time. As I'm sure I must, from the sound of it.

Perhaps arranging transport to Warjilis will be in order sometime in the near future.


[video] mademyresolve January 19 2011, 07:59:00 UTC
[She nods, there is indeed much to tell. Not only on his part, but on her own. In fact, there's a little selfishness in her agreement, too. It's been too long since they spoke in person.]

If I can assist you in finding answers, I will. You should find transport easy to come by; as a port we have ties with many cities across Gaia. Lindblum, herself, is reknowned for her airships.

I... It will be good to see you again.

[For an instant she looks distracted, as if she's considering revealing something now.]


[video/private] theleadingman January 19 2011, 13:35:53 UTC
As airships are something I have a great deal of experience with, that suits me fine. There is nothing to keep me here that I can't come back to investigate at a later time; once I'm rid of this blasted shield, I'll make my way to Warjilis. Perhaps see if the Captain is interested in accompanying me.

[He notes the change in her demeanor, a frown pulling at the corner of his lips, but only briefly.]

And you.

Princess. Is there anything amiss?


[video/private] mademyresolve January 19 2011, 17:29:47 UTC
No - not amiss.

[She's quick to state this and comes to look at him steadily; what she has to reveal will surely come as a shock. Part of her wonders whether to omit her familial status considering he's newly arrived, but Ashe knows Balthier wouldn't thank her for rendering him ill-prepared.]

Only... there is something you should know before you journey here. I...

I have become a mother, Balthier.


[video/private] OOC: I wish I didn't have to leave for work right this second! D: theleadingman January 19 2011, 17:38:47 UTC
[Possibly for the first time in his life, Balthier has been rendered speechless. He shifts slightly without frowning, his expression carefully blank and purposefully neutral. As if considering his words very carefully, his lips purse slightly as he runs his fingers over the cuff of his left ear, smoothing his hair back.]

Congratulations are in order, then. [He smiles, though to Ashe it should seem noticeably forced compared to his usual ease.] How did this blessed event come to pass, Ashe? I shall have to acquire appropriate gifts on my way to Warjilis.


[video/private] D: here's something for when you get back - now with less html fail! mademyresolve January 19 2011, 18:13:06 UTC
[Yes, the forced nature of his smile does come across, Ashe's gray eyes giving away something of her confusion. She watches him, unable to gauge what is going through his mind. Minutely, her head tilts moments before she recovers her slight give in composure.]

It is close to two years that I have lived here, in Gaia. No sooner had I been informed that another world had claimed me, than I learned that Rasler was alive. We were reunited...

[It's clear she's remembering as her eyes lower to her lap.] Soon after, I discovered myself with child.

A son, Shain Raminas Nabradia.


Re: [video/private] Because iPhones are for rp. theleadingman January 19 2011, 19:07:57 UTC
[His speech is only slightly halting and unusual, though more or less genuine.]

Blessings to you both. Prince Rasler and I have never met, but I hear tell he is the best of men. Serendipitous, that in coming to Gaia, you have been reunited with your heart. I am happy for you, highness.


[video/private] tsk tsk ;) mademyresolve January 19 2011, 19:38:37 UTC
[After he speaks there's no immediate response, Ashe just watching, listening. Firstly, she nods, then the image of regality gives way to a smile, one which was certainly a rarity during their travels together across Ivalice.]

Thank you...

[She doesn't fall into great discussion of how elated she felt, of the sheer emotion of the experience which saw them reunited. It doesn't feel right, somehow, but she knows no explanation is needed. Not to a friend.]

While you claim never to have met him, the reverse is untrue. Here, you met a social gathering. You danced with me, and I introduced you afterward. When you come to meet me here, there may be a chance to speak with him again.


Re: [video/private] pfffffft theleadingman January 19 2011, 21:37:18 UTC
[He smirks wryly, smoothing his collar as he is unable to straighten his cuffs while holding the phone.]

I do hope I made a reasonably good first impression. You never do get another go at those. I wish the pair of you every happiness, it is richly deserved.


[video/private] :3 mademyresolve January 20 2011, 17:07:53 UTC
[The sincere blessings offered are not overlooked by any means - Ashe knows their rarity. She maintains her faint smile, nodding.]

...You did not disappoint yourself.

There is much to discuss upon our meeting in person. Alert me, when you arrive - and Basch, should he consent. Give my name to the Master of the Port, and you will be permitted to see me.


[video/private] theleadingman January 21 2011, 00:31:42 UTC
It looks like the good Captain will be travelling with me; expect to see the both of us in short order. Fran will be coming by with the ship before too long, we'll have something of a reunion. I'll send word when we reach port.


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