The Return of the Bard [accidental video]

Jan 12, 2011 01:41

[ Water.

There was water everywhere, even upon the screen of this misplaced Skyphone.

Droplets of water slithered down his shaky palms as he thrashed about within these shallow but icy pools for a minute or so. Uncertain as to what sort of fate has befallen upon him now, the unlucky fellow paused once he recognized the swampy surroundings.]

P-Pinnacle Rocks?!

[The shock was clearly evident within the bard’s tone, even if he was barely seen within the video.]

This is-Gaia! I’m…what happened to me?

[Falling quiet for a moment or two, only the bard’s shaky breaths could be heard as he searched within the waters for his lyre. For those watching, one might notice how something amidst here. Edward looked haggard, fatigued even, almost as if he hasn’t slept for a thousand or so nights. Besides his sleepless appearance, the bard was dressed oddly within peculiar robes that possessed a neon-blue glow.

It seems that wherever Fate whisked Edward off too wasn’t a friendly one, especially since he possessed a few ugly bruises upon his wrists and hands.]

Oh, where did it go?!

[Still thrashing about within the water, Edward finally stops once he spots a glimmer of gold nearby.]

My lyre!

[He hastily snatches it out of the water.]

Thank the heavens! I hope the strings aren’t too soggy…

[ooc: Similar to Ondore's re-intro, the bard was taken to another world. But unlike Ondore...he wasn't returned to his native realm. Have fun with this FFXIII cast.]

auron, serah farron, rydia of mist, ursula leiden, rinoa heartilly, penelo, edward chris von muir, cecil harvey, oerba dia vanille, kain highwind

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