[Riiiiiiing..... riiiiiiiing.... Mr. Mulletbeard's got some questions, and it sounds like you've got answers.]
[The voice on the line sounds rushed, with breaks at odd points, as if the person is hurrying along while trying to talk. Which would be exactly the case.]
Ramza? This is Reeve Tuesti. I'm a friend of Yuffie's. She told me that you would be the person to talk to about the Lucavi and these stones that are showing up in the most inopportune places. It seems that an old friend and benefactor of mine, Rufus Shinra, has become intimately embroiled in this problem. A mutual friend of ours named Tseng was to meet him and apparently the meeting went... poorly. Tseng is now at Rufus's former abode and is injured. From what I've been able to gather, Rufus changed into... something... and after injuring Tseng, fled the premises. I do not know if it was due to injury or design, and I likewise do not know if he might return. I am on my way to meet Tseng now and hope that I will be able to arrive and get him out of there soon, preferably with the help of a few more friends.
[The rushing stops and Reeve's voice grows quieter and serious as he starts to regain his breath some more.]
Two old friends of mine have been directly affected by these stones. One of them is injured and the other one has disappeared. I would like to know as much as possible about them, and if I can somehow lend whatever talents I have to solving this issue, and hopefully returning Rufus to his original self, I will be most grateful.