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[video] shurikenfemale September 27 2010, 04:17:44 UTC
Ah, mister Kinneas, good to see you sober. I hear a greasy meaty soup is the way to cure a hangover, but I'd need to check with Reno.


[Video] ladiesmanirvine September 27 2010, 10:03:05 UTC
[You're gonna have to give Irvine a moment here to look and try and figure ou a name]

Cissnei...was it? Sorry my head's still a bit messed up, though the soup might make me puke more than help me.


[Video] shurikenfemale September 27 2010, 19:22:41 UTC

[She nods.]

Yep, that's it. Fair enough, just... stay away from sharp objects, will you?


[Video] ladiesmanirvine September 27 2010, 20:40:33 UTC
You needn't worry, I'm a gun expert not a swordmaster.

Though arrows can be a bit pointy


[private // video] shurikenfemale September 27 2010, 20:02:53 UTC
But, really... are you alright? Hangover notwithstanding, of course.


[private // video] ladiesmanirvine September 27 2010, 20:41:29 UTC
I should be...I don't remember too much about what I was talking to you about...I do remember insulting women...which is terrible.

Why do you ask?


[private // video] shurikenfemale September 27 2010, 20:53:42 UTC

[Should she tell him what he had said before? A tough question, considering that it might not be the most tactful of moves at the moment.]

Just wondering. You had quite a bit to say about women so I assumed something was behind the sentiments.


[private // video] ladiesmanirvine September 27 2010, 21:00:21 UTC
Just ah...heh...a great experience that was cut short. [Now he's looking a little blue] But that was the past...this is now. And that's the way things have to be.

[Lifts head up with a smile] But I wouldn't worry about that. Last thing I want is to bore you.


[private // video] shurikenfemale September 27 2010, 21:06:34 UTC

[She nods and smiles.] Yeah, you got that right. What's done is done. I don't get bored too easily. Like I said before, I'm all ears.


[private // video] ladiesmanirvine September 27 2010, 21:22:05 UTC
You really want to listen to someone who you met when he was drunk off his ass?

Either you're friendly or just like seeing men like me squirm. [A soft chuckle]


[private // video] shurikenfemale September 27 2010, 21:31:19 UTC
Might be a bit of both.
[She says this with a bit of a sneaky grin across her face, though she really doesn't find much pleasure in seeing others suffer.]

If you think about, it's not the most unusual way to meet someone. This time it was simply in another world, over the phone.


[private // video] ladiesmanirvine September 27 2010, 21:44:02 UTC
[Grins back, he likes this girl] I guess so, but usually from what I see when a guy talks to a girl drunk, she's usually the one to pull out some kind of mace on him.

Guess that's where Gaia is different.


[private // video] shurikenfemale September 27 2010, 21:51:09 UTC

[Cissnei shrugs.] That and more, probably.
[At least in her case.] We're all Sky People here, so we all gotta stick together, you know? Even if we're not from the same worlds.


[private // video] ladiesmanirvine September 27 2010, 22:09:56 UTC
Guess you got a point there. We're all lost on the same world...hoping for a way to get back.

Still...parts of an adventurer...it excites you knowing you're someplace new.


[private // video] shurikenfemale September 27 2010, 22:19:08 UTC

[She thinks for a good few seconds.] I'm not so sure if I want to go back home.
[She says this in a very quiet tone of voice, not quite a whisper, but not her normal speaking voice either.] I miss it, yeah, but I'll miss the people that aren't there more.


[private // video] ladiesmanirvine September 27 2010, 22:21:21 UTC
[Eye brow is raised] I see...anyone in particular...a boyfriend perhaps? Husband?

[Waves hand in front of the camera] No, no, sorry it's not my place to prod.


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