Sep 12, 2010 16:55

[The Jidoor auctioneer has a big smile for everyone today. Behind him are an array of paintings.]

Welcome to the Jidoor Auction House art gallery! Today, we are showcasing the work of an astonishing new artist, Relm Arrowny! At only ten years old, we're sure you'll agree that she is an absolute prodigy! Take a look at our newest collection.

[The camera focuses on each of the paintings in turn, with a voiceover announcing the title and bidding price.]

Soldier thrown by Chocobo

Oil on wood. Portrait. Five Figaro soldiers mounted on chocobos dash through the gates of Figaro into the desert. One unfortunate soldier has been thrown by his chocobo and is falling, his distress catching the attention of his partners.

Starting Price: 4000 gil

Sunrise over Kiera Mountains

Oil and pastel on canvas. Landscape. The view from the highest point of Figaro Castle at sunrise. The sun is shining behind the mountains in the east of the Kiera Desert and reflecting off the sea to the far east. Korua Island can be seen in the distance, little more than a blur. There is a mistake on this, though it's been covered up and painted and only the FF6 cast would be likely to notice it - Relm started to paint Kohlingen in the distance from memory.

Starting Price: 3600 gil


Oil and pastel on wood, textured using sand mixed in with underpaint. Exactly what it says in the title. Portrait. A view of Lindblum's airship docks from below. The sun shines through the gaps between airships in the unusually crowded docks, reflecting off the metal parts of their hulls.

Starting Price: 5600 gil

Chocobo Stables

Oil on canvas, landscape, a fairly simple picture of workers mucking out Figaro's chocobo stables. Bird armour hangs from the wall in the background and in the foreground two chocobos watch the workers.

Starting Price: 3200 gil

Still Life of Flowers and Stone

Easily the simplest of the paintings. Oil on square canvas. A still life of a large vase of flowers with a strange orange stone (The Taurus stone, if anyone would recognise it) shaped like a pair of horns beside them. Light reflects from the stone, leaving small fragments of reflected orange light across the vase and flowers.

Starting Price: 3300 gil

The nitty gritty: This auction works pretty much like the Treno auction, which means that bidding will last for one week. The only difference is that every time a painting is sold, some of the profits will be going to Relm. She may want to pop up and try to help sell her paintings. Or just bug people. It's all good.

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