
Jul 21, 2010 21:12

[Cid is sitting down at a table in the inn, a few bottles in front of them. They've been recently purchased from one of the item shops in the Business District. He picks one up, staring at it for a little while before beginning to list off the ingredients. It's barely more than a mumble, not very audible to anyone listening.]...mixed with the other ( Read more... )

serah farron, larsa ferrinas solidor, snow villiers, genesis rhapsodos, cid raines, !video post, refia, tifa lockhart, vincent valentine

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[ ACTION ] fulminous July 22 2010, 04:19:40 UTC
[ The video is still rolling; anyone watching can see Lightning coming up behind Raines, tap him on the shoulder, and then lash out with a nasty right hook before he can even turn around. ] You ASSHOLE.


[ ACTION ] Also, seriously. Pride: -5000. animus_concisus July 22 2010, 04:24:03 UTC
[For everything he could have expected, that? That was not one of them. Distracted by the potions, he didn't hear Lightning come up behind him until it was too late. And damn, did she have a punch. He quickly turned around, frowning as he rubbed at the injured spot on his head.

Well. Maybe he should have expected that.]

To be honest, I was wondering what was taking you so long.


[ ACTION ] Anger: OVER 9000!!!! fulminous July 22 2010, 04:25:45 UTC
[ No words. Just more punching. ]


[ ACTION ] animus_concisus July 22 2010, 04:26:56 UTC
[That one he saw coming enough to dodge it. He wasn't making any attempt to fight back. Yet, anyway.]

You have words, Farron. Use them.


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[ ACTION ] fulminous July 22 2010, 04:32:01 UTC
Serah! [ She's surprised to see her there -- she wasn't aware that she'd been followed, mostly because she was so intently focused on finding Raines. She jerks her arm out of Serah's grasp, throwing a nasty glare Cid's way. ] Don't you dare act like you don't know what this is about, Raines.


[ ACTION ] steelguards July 22 2010, 04:35:58 UTC
[Well, wherever Serah goes, Snow has to follow, right? So here is Snow standing behind Serah, and he isn't bothering hiding the amused look on his face.]

Well, glad to see I'm not the only one who gets that kind of greeting from Sis.


[ ACTION ] animus_concisus July 22 2010, 04:38:27 UTC
[And so enters the brigade. Cid can only roll his eyes at, well, everything.]

You are apparently hardly unique in that regard, Villiers. [And he turns back to Lightning.] I can hazard a guess. Really, you ought to work on anger management. I think that you may be overreacting just a little.


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[ ACTION ] fulminous July 22 2010, 04:45:53 UTC
[ Lightning sputters slightly, and takes a step back, staring at her sister. She finally just turns and shoves Snow out of the way. ] You want me to let it go, Serah? The fact he tried to kill me AND Snow? [ Lightning glances over her shoulder at Serah, one fist clenched. ] I'm leaving. Don't follow me.


[ ACTION ] steelguards July 22 2010, 04:56:25 UTC
[The shove makes Snow waver from his position just slightly, but otherwise he simply watches as Lightning makes her way past him. His eyes then shift down to Serah, then Cid-- and in an attempt to alleviate the obvious tension, he lifts a hand to rub the back of his head.]

Right. I guess there was that in the past, huh?


[ ACTION ] animus_concisus July 22 2010, 04:59:01 UTC
[Somehow, he's both amused and utterly unamused at the same time. The situation is, completely objectively, rather humorous, but at the same time... He's getting rather sick and tired of the whole thing.]

Tell me, then, Lightning. Have you told your sister exactly why I tried to kill you? Does she know exactly what your Focus is? Or are you satisfied to continue painting me as the villain?


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[ ACTION ] fulminous July 22 2010, 05:10:04 UTC
[ Lightning nearly spits, and she glares at Cid over her shoulder before starting to move again towards the door. ] Yeah, I told her. I don't hide things, unlike you.

[ And with that, she's already out the door. ]


[ ACTION ] steelguards July 22 2010, 05:15:01 UTC
[Well, things just keep getting more and more awkward between them all. Snow caught the look from Serah just before Lightning's departure, and after a moment of silence he places a hand on his fiancee's shoulder.]

Hey, maybe you should go talk to her-- she might start throwing punches at random strangers with that mood she's in.


[ ACTION ] animus_concisus July 22 2010, 05:17:54 UTC
[For the love of... Go figure. He really thinks that Lightning acts no different than a bratty child, but he'll keep that to himself for now. For now, he just sighs, running a gloved hand through his hair.]

My apologies, Ms. Farron, for...all of that. I suppose that I do owe you an explanation. But you--yourself, your fiancé, your sister--of all people ought to understand why I...

[He shakes his head, not even knowing why he's bothering at this point.]


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