This one time my bio teacher showed us a video of this lady that has a home with a whole bunch of baby pandas. The whole thing was pretty much 3 minutes of cute little pandas playing in the snow ♥ While on Photobucket I found a gif. of it!
Aren't they adorable? :3
herrjustice 1. Reply to THIS post, and I will select four or five of your userpics that I like.
2. Make a entry and talk about the icons I have chosen.
3. Other people will then comment on your entry and you will do the same as I have done for you.
4. Thus creating a NEVER ENDING CYCLE of icon merriment.
Ahahaha I always knew one of those boys was a furry :X JUST KIDDING. I love Hankyung and this icon sums up his personality very nicely :D
Sanada maaaaaan! He is TOO COOL in this icon. That and I needed a good one to use in CAPSLOCK comms.
Balthier/Fran quickly became my OTP ♥ Besides that I really like the way this icon is colored and stuff. Since I can't make graphics to save my life I can really appreciate things like that :)
Nagato is my favorite ember in the SOS-dan and pretty much teh whole series. And this part of the anime was really cool, with all the super fast typing and hacking and being cute with a mouse and all *swoons*
I don't use this icon much but I think don't delete it because it's so cool looking *__* Luke C. mad perfect Kite and you can really see the character in this icon~