It's Going to Be a Long Night...

Mar 07, 2008 12:31

Last day before Spring Break. Finally. This semester has been completely and totally exhausting.

I knew that taking eighteen credits would be a challenge, but I didn't think it would kick my butt quite this hard. It's not that I'm doing poorly in my classes -- I've been pacing myself and getting all of my work done (until last night) -- but I've had much less time to relax what with all the reading and writing I've been doing.

Today, I had two papers due: well, one paper and a draft. The first was a comparison of an "alternative political party" with a either the Republicans or the Democrats. I chose to compare the Green Party with the Democrats on the issue of the war in Iraq; it was really interesting to have it confirmed for me that the Democrats really aren't as liberal as they claim to be. The second paper was meant to be a long and slightly polished first draft of a longer piece on the growing of orchids. That one, I didn't finish; I barely even started it. I feel like a horrible rotten person but I just cannot write seriously right now. So in half an hour, I will go downstairs and beg my very nice professor to forgive me and let me submit it via email.

Later on, at 9PM I have my third public safety patrol of the week -- I picked up two others earlier because people wanted to call out -- and its a Friday before a break so it could either be really crazy or really dull. Hope for the former. That goes until 3am and then I'm going back to my room, taking a quick nap and leaving to drive Lindsey to the airport* in Scranton on my way to Yonkers to celebrate Gesti's sister's Birthday. When I get there, it'll probably be about 9 or 10 in the morning and I plan on taking a nap.

BUT. Once I get through tonight, I have a whole week off in which I don't have very much that I need to accomplish. So. In less than twenty-four hours? I'm done. Now back to that orchid draft...

*Lindsey, I don't mind doing it at all. The fact that I'll get to have someone with me for half the ride down to Yonkers is an advantage because it will make the long ride seem sooo much shorter.
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