Mar 20, 2008 00:37
XD, I swear, I think i've eaten so much food, I have the itis right now....
Anyways, first off, thanks to everyone who has given me wishes for my birthday, it was wonderful and it actually started off good on Sunday. ^^
On Saturday, Mike brung me and his kids out to a really wonderful religious performance known as 'I'm Saved!', which was about the life, death and resurrection of Jesus. It had wonderful and uplifting music, a wonderful cast, in fact the cast, the music, and the whole performance, especially when it showed Jesus as who he was, it was spectacular and breathed in a lot of new energy in my, I do admit that I am a bit moderately religious, but it gave me a lot to think about myself, and some spiritual help to help me see clearer in life. ^_^
After the performance, Mike, the family and I ate out at an italian resturaunt and ate some pizza. ^^ So for Sunday, we mostly played some Smash Bros for a while before going out to play some bowling.
I haven't played Bowling in a long time, but while i've improved over the years, I still have a lot of room for improvement. ^^ We played with the bumpers on and I managed to get myself 2nd place on the game. ^^
Soooo, comes Monday, the day of my birthday, where I first started off with playing some Halo 3. Afterwards, I took a short nap before cleaning myself up to go over to the Starbucks near my place. The good thing about hopefully working there eventually is that it is just a 5 minute walk for me. ^_^
Unfortunately, the employee over there wasn't informed about the interview, so she gave me the number to the assistant manager of the place. So after returning home, semi-disappointed and sleeping for a few hours, I soon called the assistant manager and after an hour, I got a call back from him. He wasn't aware about the interview either, since the store manager didn't tell him about the interview, but the good thing was that I managed to schedule an interview with him for Wednesday morning at 10AM. ^_^
So, with that scheduled, I got myself cleaned up and ready for Vincent to get home and then soon, have Jen pick us up to eat over at BJ's where I had a pretty tasty steak and a peanut butter cookie with vanilla ice cream in the middle for desert. ^_^ Really delicious. ^_^
After a walk around Oakridge, Vincent found the 6th volume of the SVC Chaos: SNK vs Capcom manga and a pack of the Kingdom Hearts card game booster pack. Got a Squall card (I refuse to call him Leon) but still no moogle. ;-;
However, despite the lack of KH Moogle in the card game, Jen got me a 1600 point MS card for the X-Box Live Arcade and Fire Pro Wrestling Returns for the PS2. ^^
Fire Pro Wrestling Returns is a pretty good wrestling game.....and it has a very impressive CAW, yet, since it is so humongous, i've still yet to fix my character up a bit. ^^ However, for those who don't want to go use the time to create your own wrestler, there are a bunch of wrestlers you can select from various organizations, modeled after real life wrestlers, such as Stone Cold Steve Austin, all four Tiger Masks, and various others. Even a couple of the entrance music that you can pick for your character are variations of Stone Cold Steve Austins theme and Real American. ^_^
With the Microsoft points card, i've downloaded Triggerheart Excelcia and Omega Five, both of them are shooter games and look really nice and cool. ^_^ Excelcia is pretty hard though. At least to master without using any bombs and stuff...but i'll try to get to it. ^_^
So as for Wednesday, I had the job interview at Starbucks and now I am awaiting my second interview, so this has definitely told me that within a week or so, I shall hopefully be working at the Starbucks near my home now! :D When shall that be? Well, hopefully, we shall see. ^__^
Along with that, now I am in the middle of spring break, and I hope that they won't be refined to me just working out, waiting for the phone call and playing Super Smash Bros Brawl all day....but hopefully i'll figure a few things out. ^_^
Anyways, hows everyone else doing lately? :D