I've been grinding an killer axe....

Nov 03, 2007 01:22

Lifes been picking up again, since even though the past month of Octobers been ok for me, lifes been getting much better recently! ^^

I've mostly been working out and meditating intensively these past couple of weeks and along with that, eating a more balanced diet, so not only would I get more stronger and healther, but to also think much more sharper and keep my head at ease as the school year starts slowly dwindling down, and also to hopefully get myself more focused on kickboxing, MMA and work. ^^

Speaking of work, I still haven't heard a word from the managers about getting me to food runner, but as long as I keep on moving myself and working hard, i'll probably get it soon! ^^ As for school, i'm mostly working on a few essays for English 1B, which i'll probably get started on, on Saturday (pretty much later tonight) and get it through to get done so I could get into more gaming.

For gaming, i've added Digimon Data Squad: Light and Bleach: the Blade of Fate to play on my DS along with Sonic Rush Adventure (which i've still haven't beaten) and Pokemon Pearl. And I still occasionally play Bleach: Shattered Sword on the Wii at times, but mostly, i've been playing Guitar Hero 3 on the X-Box 360 and might get Naruto: Rise of A Ninja and perhaps Raw vs Smackdown 2008 soon. I've definitely been rocking it on easy and i'm practically almost halfway through the song list! ^^ Also, i've still been playing Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection on the PS3 at times, slowly rising my rank, where i'm a 2nd Kyu at.

I'm mostly now managing my time, so I could spend it on playing games and working on homework on certain days. On Monday to Thursday, I spend it doing homework and chatting, while spending an hour or two at least on Tekken 5, to ease my mind with some fun. However, Friday to Sunday, is mostly fun time, where I play games and watch anime to help me relax, since work days during those days are extremely hectic. Besides, i'll work more efficiently if i'm more relaxed, although, I could use those mornings to work out a bit to put more oxygen into my muscles. ^^

So anyways, as November starts, i'm prepping myself to keep my cool before school ends for the semester....so hows everyone else doing? ^_^
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