(no subject)

Jul 20, 2011 14:29

Username:  deadcellredux
Class: Monk
Title: Lights in the Sky
Summary/Author's Note: I admit this is pretty corny, but I had fun writing it! Celes, Edgar, Locke, Setzer and Terra enjoy some escapist entertainment with the children of Mobliz, post-World of Ruin. One-shot written for the summer adventchallenge. The absence of certain characters was random, and doesn't coincide with the timeline of reuniting your party in the game, but whatevz, there's fireworks.
Characters: Celes, Edgar, Locke, Setzer, Terra
Word count: 645
Rating/warnings: PG

Read it at my LJ: Lights in the Sky

character: locke, character: edgar, user: deadcellredux, character: terra, character: celes, game: final fantasy vi, fanfiction, character: setzer

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