
May 03, 2011 13:47


Conflicts and violence.
Lets face it, even in a game set in Disney worlds, things can get pretty messy. Characters will have conflicts and powers go array, sometimes in very public places. Things will get damaged, people will get hurt and stuff like this can have a heavy effect on characters even outside the log. So of course we have to know before hand, this way the mods can react accordingly. Of course you don't need to run every little thing you do by us, but certain things require permission, such as...
ミ☆Violence/Damage/injury occurring in a high traffic area. For example: The middle of a busy street, over a video on the network, in a public building and pretty much anywhere that would have a lot witnesses.

ミ☆Anything involving extreme destruction. For example: reducing buildings to rubble or demolishing a street.

ミ☆Anything that has the potential to effecting a large number characters. For example: Death/Torture/rape of a character will always need permission, defacing of any public property or a character opening their own business.

If you aren't sure where something falls in regard to these policies, contact us or we may have to freeze the log while we contact you. That said, we do understand that during logs somethings things escalate beyond expectations. This is okay, as long as you contact us about it.

This system relies on players not abusing it, so please don't have your character constantly getting injured, etc.

Character name:
Characters to be involved in violence/destruction:
What will be happening?:
Where will this be happening?:
Injuries to be incurred:

Reasons for doing this:
Anything extra?

Special items, pets, ect.
With things constantly getting lost or pulled through the darkness, it's not uncommon for something from another world to appear and if it's living, might even turn the area into it's new home. Needless to say, there is some pretty neat stuff out there in all these different fandoms so if there is something you think would be fun to have around for the game as a whole, or just something you'd like your character to have from back home (With a good reason) then here is where you can ask us.

Character name:
Canon Item/creature/whatever it is:
Specific properties/abilities:

Why do you want them to have this item?
Where will it appear and why?( Only applies if it's some kind of creature or living thing.)
Anything extra?

While we may approve a special creature and/or item now, if we find they are being abused then we reserve the right to issue a warning, and will, if necessary, withdraw approval for that item and/or creature.

Permissions form
Not sure where to start on your permissions for the game? Feel free to use this handy form!



Kissing and/or other intimate actions

Anything else you'd like to make known?

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