Mar 17, 2003 05:13
Gah.. just woke up.. its a strange feeling i might add.. I had the strangest dream though...
But first.. i couldn't get to writing in my journ cuz i had to study for my stupid final exams and plus i didn't have money to buy a new internet card.. it was ok i guess.. you know, my exams.. but i thought english sucked the most, but since today we're taking two shitty math subjects (stats and algebra), i think i'd rather take english 10 times over..
Oh gods.. about "my dream" it was ..nothing less than fucking strange.. I dreamt i went to one of my friend's house.. the first thing i did in this dream was sit down (well what else would you do? go figure..) then while i was sitting down watching tv, my 'friend' suddenly sat right by me.. first we were just joking around and laughing but all of a sudden this 'friend' took my hand (in their hand) and rested their head on my shoulder.. i was surprised i didn't know what to do.. but then i just shrugged it off and we started joking around and stuff again but while whispering to eachother since we were really close to one another but anyways..
Damn.. i have to get ready for school.. wish me luck, i'm going to take the last fuckin useless exams of this year!! (wh00t!!) and then its summer for me!! mwar har har!!
baboosh, i'm out..