Tamara Hoover

Jun 16, 2006 22:56

A local high school art teacher is being fired for having "artistic nude" photos of her on the internet. Now, I don't usually get openly political, but for whatever reason I feel compelled to add my opinion to the rising mount.

First, let me side with the district at least on the fact that the boundary between artistic nude and pornography is fuzzy at best; titillation is highly subjective. I haven't seen the photos in question, but that's beside the point.

Second and more pertinently, I'm a big believer in certain civil liberties and this is one of them. A teacher should not be fired just because it is easy for people to see her nude. Whether it's artistic cleavage or hardcore porn, there is no justification for terminating employment on those grounds. If the students want to fantasize about their teachers, they can do so with or without the internet.

She is petitioning donations to fund her pending trial and promises to send drawings or paintings to donators.



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