Mar 13, 2006 09:54
It was a pretty good weekend. Saturday was absolutely beautiful...I was walking around in jeans and a t-shirt (my kind of weather). It was so nice that we even let the kitties play outside for a while. I feel bad for them sometimes because they spend their whole life indoors just looking out the windows. My big guy, Elvis, will let me know that he's in the mood for a field trip outside by sitting at the front door and meowing his face off til we either let him out or kill him. He's a good cat and he won't run away, so I really don't mind letting him out. He is perfectly happy to sit on the front porch and do a little wandering around the front yard, but he won't venture past the drive way (which is good). Penelope on the other hand, if you give her an inch, she'll be half way down the block before you can even blink. She's a bit of a pain at the ripe old age of 4 1/2. She pretends to wander and sniff around for a while and just when you think she's going to be good and not she goes.
Anyway, besides playing outside with the cats, we went to a birthday party for a friend Saturday night. It was at a country line dancing restaurant and bar called the Colorado Cafe. We've never been there before and man, was it interesting. I had no idea that line dancing was such a popular thing. There were some pretty serious people there, decked out in full cowboy boots, hats, you name it. It was a lot of fun though and definitely something that I've never done before. Sunday we went to our friends' (Kim and Steve) house for a continuation of the birthday party. Kim is about ready to have her baby and she's been put on house arrest by her doctor, so she couldn't come play with us on Saturday. Anyway, the guys decided that they would be the wonderful men we married and they cooked dinner! They made fajitas and did all the cleaning too. It was nice for a change, but now we know (and we have witnesses) that they can cook and do it well. With Kim ready to pop and me on so many hormones, they may be in trouble.