Nov 09, 2005 19:03
Ware's midterm comment made me laugh. He was all, "I think Daisy really hates math, but she understands proofs, but she doesn't like it, and I really wish she would like it, but she doesn't". He went on and on about it. At least I didn't fail, though. I kept getting 9/12s on his tests, and I thought that meant I was getting Cs, but apparently that's a B+. According to him. I don't understand, but I guess it doesn't matter as long as I'm not getting paid to analyze his grading system. Or getting paid at all, for that matter. That would be nice.
Good times overall, really. Madame somehow thinks an A- is a bad grade, but that's just because she's French. She had to give me a whole discussion in the middle of class when I got a B+ on a test. I think she liked our scenes today, though, even though Miranda and I started cracking up in the middle of ours.
In other UTTERLY AMAZING NEWS, the door is done. Done! For good. We hung it today, and I just need to install a hooky-locky thing to keep the sliding doors closed while the frame moves on and off stage. Thank God. Praise the Lordy. I was starting to have terrible, terrible nightmares where it randomly appeared in the middle of the stage and ate someone dramatically while a Latin choir sang in the background. That door is Satan, I tell you.