
Aug 16, 2012 01:14

I was so mad at a teacher on Monday. So mad.

So, there is this long stretch of highway that goes up north of Buenos Aires, okay? I live an hour up this highway, and when I say an hour, I mean on the days where there isn't an accident/fog/torrential rain/strike/whatever the fuck the country decides to throw my way. I tend to value my wellbeing so on days where the fog is too thick and you can't see a fucking thing, I stay home. I mean, who the fuck taught people how to drive, I swear. They speed up to ridiculous speeds, they change lanes without warning, they BRING THEIR CHILDREN IN THE PASSENGER SEAT AND WITHOUT SEAT BELT, I MEAN WHAT THE FUCK. And on days where the fog is too thick, out of 10 cars, 3 maybe take precautions. The rest act like they're in a speedway, the idiots. Besides, thick fog, can't see a thing? No matter how well you drive, just stay home and alive.

So, Monday before last (6th) I stayed home and didn't go to class because the fog was ridiculously thick. It had about 100meters visibility in the area near my house, and because of geography, the fog usually gets thicker still along the highway near Buenos Aires. So I stayed and slept in.

Then this Monday, I went to class. Apparently I wasn't the only who had missed, though one of the girls had missed 'just because'. Anyway. And then the teacher comes in, talks a bit, and then starts talking about how missing class is only bad for us, which is completely true, we're all very aware of this. It was repetitious, and we know this, but still true, she had a right to mention this. But some days you just can't make it to class and that's it, you know? We're all big girls, we can deal with it.

And then she singles me out on why I had missed class. I mean, what the fuck.

Honestly, half the class had missed class and she singles ME out, only me. She didn't ask anyone else, she didn't look at anyone else. me. We don't have any sort of justified missed or anything, a miss is just a miss and it'll stay like that no matter what. But she asks me why I had missed class. The way things work down here, it's no business of hers why I had missed. No teacher before, EVER had asked me, or anyone else I went to class with. But still she asked, just me.

I told her, I don't live nearby (the girl who had missed just because lives two blocks away from uni, OKAY). I live an hour out on the best days, generally it's close to 2 hrs. There're some dangerous spots I have to go through, including a river and bodies of water make the fog worse. I didn't say all this because it's well known, everyone knows this, it's in the news daily when they warn about the fog/rain/etc. I mentioned I had to get to uni down by way of the highway and the fog was too thick.

And she goes, "Well I have to use the highway too, I don't remember there being any fog."

What. The. Fuck.

Let me start by saying: nobody lives where I do, or closeby. I live in the fucking ass end of everything. Talking in US counties (because I can't be arse to find a proper word for what we use), I live like, ten counties away. If I lived in hell I'd be nearer. BUT, the thing is, many of Buenos Aires' suburbs, the most popular ones, and where many teachers live in, are near the Highway. And it takes you like, fifteen minutes to get from there to uni. A lot of teachers live here.

I said nothing because well, I was raised to be polite. And smart, I need this person to pass the subject so antagonizing her would be stupid. But honestly, WHAT THE FUCK. Why single me out? What is it to you why *I* missed and not the rest of the class? And why the FUCK would you assume that just because in your area there was no fog, then the rest of the world must have been clear of it too?

I said I was angry on Monday. Apparently I still am now. The truth is, this is a teacher I was rather indifferent to before and this year... I've just been liking her less and less. I don't know. It's a vibe. THIS? DID NOT HELP.

Argh. I made myself mad. I'm off to read Sterek fic.
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