Whee, a survey! Man it's been a long time since I did one of these. Also, first one I see regarding the house and not the self. I like.
Stolen from
vsuclaribnl 1. What kind of soap is in your bathtub right now?
--My usual thing, which is liquid soap with honey and almonds. It smells so niiiiice.
2. Do you have any watermelon in your refrigerator?
--It's winter. So, nope.
3. Is there anything moldy in your refrigerator?
--...I hope not. I should check.
...and where did #4 go?
5. What would you change about your living room?
Repair the blinds because they don't go all the way up so it's always half bathed in darkness.
6. Are the dishes in your dishwasher clean or dirty?
--No dishwasher.
7. Do you have a can of mushrooms in your pantry?
--No, but my mum has actual mushrooms stashed somewhere. (I don't like mushrooms.)
8. White or wheat/brown bread?
--White, but brown's yummy too.
9. What is on top of your refrigerator?
--Empty tupper. old wrapping paper and a bit of dust. My fridge is TALL.
10. What color is your sofa?
--Tan, but it's got a brown blanket on top of it.
11. What color or design is on your shower curtain?
--Black and white and... kind of flowery. It's weird.
12. How many plants are in your home?
--None, but we have TONS outside. Big backyard.
13. How many candles are in your home?
--Setting aside the white ones for the strange occasion where the lights go out, I have the ones I use for Sabbats/Esbats. None scented.
14. Is your bed made right now?
--Yes, and every single day.
15. If you have a coffee pot, what color is it?
--No coffe pot.
16. Electric or standard can opener?
17. Comet or Soft Scrub?
18. Is your closet organized?
19. What color is the flashlight that you use the most?
--Green and black and it's a head flashlight.
20. What kinds of things are in your junk drawer?
--Mostly old utensils.
21. Do you drink out of glass or plastic most of the time at home?
--I've got both, depending on the day. But since I'm a bit of a klutz, I mostly drink out of a tall plastic glass.
22. Do you have iced tea made in a pitcher right now?
23. If you have a garage, is it cluttered?
24. Curtains or blinds?
25. How many pillows do you sleep with?
26. Do you sleep with any lights on at night?
--No, but my stereo has this little blue light on that kind of serves as nightlight. Which is useful, because my dogs sleep with me and I don't wanna step on them.
27. How many ceiling fans are in your home?
--One, kitchen.
28. How often do you vacuum?
--Not as often as I should. >_<
30. What color is your toothbrush?
--White and blue. Electric.
31. Do you have a welcome mat on your front porch?
32. What is in your oven right now?
33. Is your microwave clean or dirty?
34. Is there anything under your bed?
--Slippers, TONS of books, a bag, and three pairs of shoes.
35. Chore you hate doing the most?
36. What retro items are in your home?
--Well, my house was built in the early 1960s, so take your pick. XD
37. Do you have a separate room that you use as an office?
38. If you have a yard, who mows it?
--We have a guy who comes for the garden stuff. It's huge and none of us have green thumbs.
39. Is there anything on your kitchen floor right now?
--A dog and his water and food bowls. ;)
40. How many mirrors are in your home?
--2 in the main bathroom, 1 in the private bathroom, Two in my bedroom (inside the closet doors)
41. Do you have any hidden emergency money around your home?
--20 bucks in an old notebook and 100 bucks in my nightstand, just in case.
42. What color are your walls?
--Green in the kitchen, blue in the bedrooms, Off-pink in the sitting room, white in the kitchen...and orange in my bedroom. XD I LOVE MY ORANGE WALLS, OKAY.
43. Which rooms in your house have wallpaper?
44. Do you have a peephole in your front door?
45. Do you keep any kind of protection weapons in your home?
--The knives are always handy.
46. What does your home smell like right now?
--Nothing, because I have a stuffy nose and can't smell a thing. XD
47. Favorite candle scent?
48. What kind of pickles (if any) are in your refrigerator right now?
49. Who are in the pictures you displayed?
--Goddaughters, friends, parents, dogs, cats.
50. What color is your favorite bible?
--I'm Wiccan. Please don't assume everybody follows the same religion. Thank you.
51. Do you have plenty of cabinet space in your kitchen?
--Yes, mostly because I'm too short to reach the top shelves. XD
52. Ever been on your roof?
--YES, and it's a lovely view.
53. Do you own a stereo?
--of course. It's a little bit over 2 years old and AWESOME.
54. How many TVs do you have?
--Two, one in the kitchen and one in the sitting room. Well, I have one in the bedroom too, but it's only for DVDs, it's not connected to the cable.
55. How many house phones?
56. Do you have a housekeeper?
57. What style do you decorate in?
--"Modern Junkyard". Psh, we don't decorate. But i am partial to all things vintage.
58. Do you like solid colors in furniture or prints?
--I have both, really.
59. Is there a smoke detector in your home?
--No. Not that common here, really.
60. In case of fire, what are the items you would grab if you only could make one quick trip?
--Provided parents and dogs can get out without problem... Bag, phone, ipad, laptop. And my red hoodie.
61. Do you know how to work your electrical box?
--....I can turn it on and off. The switches are all labeled so it's not difficult to know which one cuts the light where.
62. What temperature in your home is most comfortable to you?
--Mid 20's (Celsius!)