I seem to be back to LJ lately, I'm posting kind of regularly! Yay me.

Sep 20, 2011 02:20

After months of suffering with my phone (crappy battery -> repaired -> still crappy -> new battery -> still crappy -> went back to my ex phone, which has five years on it -> phone didn't receive calls) I now have a Blackberry! This one, to be exact, but the 9780 model, black. SHINY. And new and ridiculously easy to use and get accustomed to. I've already got whatsapp on it (vital, just ask awakencordy) and it came with twitter and Google Talk and Windows Live Messenger and AIM and Yahoo messenger. GEEZ. I'm not going to pay Windows Live and AIM attention since I don't have accounts, but Yahoo and Google Talk, I'm good. XD

Just watch Hawaii Five-0 season premiere!

b. I miss the theme song. I know, it's weird, but it's one of my favorites ever. (together with X-Files, Buffy and Stargate SG-1)
c. OH DANNY. I'm conflicted. On the one hand, poor thing, he feels like crap the baby isn't his. On the other hand, FUCK YEAH THE BABY ISN'T HIS. I'm sorry, but I hated that on the season finale. Danny and Rachel are good exes, they're fun to see them confronted, but I don't like them as a couple.
d. Did the writers get clued in that him being Rachel's babydaddy would kill the Steve/Danny OTPing for half of fandom? I mean, a lot of people have trouble slash shipping someone who's been a father recently? I don't know.
e. Not three minutes in and Steve is flirting with Danny. Control yourself, Steve! XD
f. THAT BITCH. Gah, I liked her. I did. I wasn't too sure at the beginning but I was starting to really like, I would've accepted her as part of the team this season if she had proven herself. SIGH.
g. I love how they know each other so well. They know what they will do and won't in certain situations, they know how to react and how to drive themselves. I really get the feeling of a true team, like I did in SG-1 or SGA. I missed having a team!


On sad, sad, sad news, Doctor Who has two episodes left in this series and save the Christmas special I suppose, won't be back until 2013. IT HURTS. Fine moment snarky_kat chose to get hooked to it, I suppose, but DW has its claws on her and won't let go. Too late to backtrack now. XD
Now that I think about it same thing happened to me with Harry Potter. I got hooked to it three seconds after book four was out and then had to wait three years for book five. O__0

fandom: hawaii five-0

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