First off, i want to rec these two posts (rec'd first by
ella_bane) because everyone should read them. Seriously. If the ship wank/fic wank is getting you down, go read these. If you're having a good day, go read them too. You'll find yourself nodding and grinning and maybe sometimes groaning a little bit, but you'll find yourself smiling like a loon at both.
Welcome to the HP fandom by
maeglinyedi (I know it says HP, but it applies to all fandoms. Seriously, all of them.)
Everybody's Free to Get a LiveJournal by
iibnf I'm FINALLY done with my midterms! I still have an essay to deliver in two weeks, but midterms are done. I had two midterms and an essay to deliver, all in twenty-four hours of each other, I'd been killing myself for days and days. People started to forget my face. My goddaughter had Barney and his whole gang move in with her while I was away, and robot heads were discovered in the moon. That's how disconnected I felt. Or something like it.
Eleven and Amy continue to capture my heart! Saturday was no less, even when they had little screentime together. Craig and Sophie were adorable, but Matt Smith STOLE the whole show. The hair, the soccer, the whole thing. (Also, I love it that he referred to himself as Eleven!) ♥
Pink's Oh My God came on shuffle in my iTunes. That song has been ruined, ruined completely for me (but in a good way) after seeing that infamous David Tennant fanvid. Pink sings this and I see David Tennant licking his fingers and whatnot. It's pavlovian, I swear.
AND i finally saw Stonehenge Apocalypse! OhEmGee, that was the best movie ever. Ever. I'm still laughing, and I'm still over the moon that Torri was in it, because I've missed Torri! Seriously, though, best movie in ever. I loved it so much and I don't even know why. Besides Misha and Torri, that is. I mean, sure it could have done with... well, a better script and more robot heads. XD But I'm so watching that again.
And now, something completely related:
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