Mar 05, 2005 21:31
hey my peeps im not quite sure why but im in a really great mood,... but thats the first time 4 awhile now cuz of everything thats been goin on lately,..well ill start with today cuz thats the good part then if u dont wanna read the bad stuff thats been goin on u can just stop reading,...we had a comp 2day called WGI (winter guard international) omg there were all these guards there that were soooooo goood omg we sucked compared to them,..and we got moved up 2 classes cuz there was no AAA so we were competing against guards that were 2 levels above us,....ooh and we had to get up at like 3:45 in the mornin that was real fun and we performed 2nd and it was a really long but fun day,..i performed my personal best (thanks to my lucky undies :) ) so im happy with how i performed and thats what counts or at least it does in my yeah it was so much fun on the bus ride home tho omg,...we played telephone and my goodness that was 1 messed up game of telephone "miss kim likes to pop pop pop and chad likes to dance like the black man" omg that was hilarious!!!! oh then we played this word game that im pretty sure miss sabrina regrets teaching us cuz we wouldnt stop it once we started it so yeah if u read this make me play the sally word game with u k? its really fun and makes me feel smart,..but yes very fun day 2day very fun indeed oh and i get to go to the fair 2morrow! so that should be fun to,..ok now for the bad stuff if u dont wanna read it stop,..NOW,.....ok well our darling jessica has been very selfish lately and could care less about all the shit shes been putting us all through, our last competition we ran into Kris great right? well turns out she never broke up with him and u kno what really upsets me? i was sitting there crying and u kno who asked me if i was ok???? KRIS not jessica noo kris u kno that just shows how much she cares and then on tuesday for kelseys birthday she didnt even wish her happy birthday and its not like she didnt see her she was sitting on her freaking lap in the car and u kno what she has the decency to say that kels and genevieve are acting like she doesnt exist she freaking started it with the ignoring grrr it makes me soo mad grrr oh ok back to the day of the comp anyway he was there there was crying and trenton punched him cuz sheryl paid him 5 bucks to do so, was soooo great (even tho trent wared him) ooh and i cant forget danny threw his soda can at him for me then told him "love megan" hehe i found it funny,...ok so then it came out that they were still seeing each other right? well naturally we are all upset cuz she led us to beleive they had broken things off so how on earth did she expect us 2 react? just act like normal and go on trusting and beleiving in her again?? ha. ha. ha. riiight thats what i plan on doin trusting some1 like that who doesnt even care about me or how i feel ,..sry but ive had enough people betray my trust for now i dont need friends who do it also,...oh then on wednesday the child decides her grande idea is to run away!! and gues with who??? yep Kris, great aint it? yep i thought so,...and she didnt even tell amelia i mean she could have at least done that much but nooooo she had to pull a stupid stunt like that and not even tell anyone so she had EVERYONE (well expept her precious Kris of course) worried sick and freaking out about her,..i mean i was mad at her but i still care about her,..i was worried sick about her (but since when is that a change?) and didnt even kno she was with kris i mean we seriously had no clue where she was she could hav been kidnapped for all we knew and we wouldnt have known any different had miss jill not called kris's mom and had her explain it to her,....then when she finally came to school and we saw her the next day she had the audacity to be mad at us!!!!! what nerve this child has! all we did was worry about her and she got mad at us errr she angers me soooo,...and to top it all off guess what her parents did??? gave her permission to see that dumbass again!!! its like their rewarding her for running away! and then shes acting all smug about it u kno? shes like haha i won and its just so wrong to me cause she got it all the wrong wayz it just makes me want to cry,...then all day at the guard comp she didnt say a word to me so u kno that just shows how much she really wants to be my friends u kno? she wont even make an attempt to speak a single syllable to me,..and she cant say i havnt done anything to show i cared cuz if she does thats just complete bs cuz thats all ive done i mean i havnt been all jessie i love u soo much everythings all perfect cuz to be honest that would be a complete lie and i dont want to do that but shes knows ive told her countless times that no matter how mad i am at her she can alwayz talk to me and i would listen but if she wont make the effort u kno thats her choice if its him she really wants then fine i give up she can have him, even if it does mean i lose a tired of dealing with all this stress its too much for me to handle right now so im through, i throw in my little white to all my friends <*Meg*>