Dec 26, 2004 23:18
Hey to everyone who cares,...I hope ur having a great winter holiday season, mine has been pretty good. I spent 6 hours christmas eves eve makin pierogi's for my family's christmas eve dinner we have every year,..for those of you who dont know what a pierogi is, it is dough wraped around cabbage and onions then smothered in butter and i must say they are quite delicious,..theyve been my favorite since as long as i can rememeber and every christmas eve my grammie would make them for the dinner but this year she hasnt been feelin all that great so she taught me how and even though they werent as good as hers are everyone complemented me on them so i dont think i did that bad,...they are really hard to make u make everything frum scratch and its very time consuming. anyways we open up familys christmas presents after dinner and i got this super kool coal scetch of a horse that this artist in itally drew (frum my aunt diane (who else lol)) then i got 4 purses frum her (long story lol) and frum other people i got clothes and money. Then for christmas sata clause brought me an ipod!! lol yay! its so kool, i love it. i also got a necklace, pj's, socks, sweatshirt, and some other things. oh sheryl is so funny i love her, she got zareens screen name right,...well on her profile is a link to this xanga acount that jimmy and her share "those2annoyingfreaks" yeah, well sheryl clicked the linked and broswed around,..turns out u can post comments up there,...and well she left a not so positive one to jimmy saying "jimmy is a dick" or sumthing along those lines and i guess one of them saw it and deleted it cause i cant find it now,..but im gonna tell zareen what has been goin on if on the 28 theres a post frum her sayin its there 9month anniversary cause so far shes posted all the other anniversarys, yeha im kinda bored now (hints me writting in this) i should probably clean my room nut that would consist of well me cleaning my room lol ok well im gonna go play with my little ponies i want a real 1 soo bad!!!!! oh that reminds me i get to go ridding sometime this week with me aunt :)! love yall ttyl probably