Oct 10, 2006 00:24
When inspiration fails to hit. Those are the times when ideas of progress may come. writing things to film is one thing. Things that are supposed to be funny is hard work and force me to parallel my dilema to that of a carachter on a good tv show.
So i read this book a while back and it was damn good. I sat down at work, where i had a distraction free environment, and tried to write some more stuff so that, when M3 is rolling well and not stalled on a rock, we can break everybody in on all aspects of the filmmaking process. Im not trying to be a one man show by far but im kind of out in the dark a bit and i have nothing much to do. I already did the yard and their aint much to do at work even when i work by my lonesome.
--on a side not i just realized i could probably sell some tickets to those ppl waiting in line for the haunted house--
Where was I....oh yes. one man show.
So that's not what im doing i just want to have some material ready for the time of learning. Im my opinion, it doesnt matter who wrote the shit, only that we can all learn from it.
I would still feel insulted if anything were changed though....cuz i did last time. But that just means I prefer to write and rewrite alone. hmm...
thats true but i dont like the being alone part.
i've lost my train of thought cuz i put on music.
now all i can think of are infectees and kites.
maybe i should write some of that down?
--i'd make a shitty anarchist