My night and some for sam

Sep 11, 2005 13:26

well the wedding was okay. the beginning was kinda crappy for me but then the end was pretty cool. well the church stuff all went well. but towards the end of me walking down the aisle i just started walking fast bcuz it was weird having them all stare. btw, my hair was awesome! well atleast i thought so. anyways, then came the reception. i went with my bro to pick up kim. and when we all got back, my food was all prepared for me at the 'wedding table'. for some reason one of my cousins always a lil shit when kim is around. so when me and kim went to the restroom, she and my cousins found it funny to put a whole packet of salt in kims drink of all ppl! so frankly, i was pissed that they were being so immature and targeted at her which is just plain low since she was my guest at the wedding. anywho, time passed and evitas bf alec (who i despise)was there and they left outside and went off in the dark around the corner by themselves. they thought they were sly, my ass. my cousin richard caught them and had a 'talk' with evita. ahaha thats what she deserves, so for the rest of the wedding, they werent near each other at all and i of course got dirty looks from both of them but i couldnt careless. and then kim went off without telling me so i got worried as hell bcuz it was dark out and i couldnt find her(i didnt even know where she was) and i didnt even have her cell number so i had to call my oh so lovely bf adrian to get it and found kim in my friends car drinking a milkshake :\. so i was extremely mad with her bcuz she told me she wasnt gonna leave anywhere and did exactly that. so i dropped her off after she got cake. then i was hanging out with my cousin David(whos badass) and caught up with good time with him and drank champange lol. he scored me 3 glasses :D. i lmao around him and then i also got my other usually grouchy cousin Beto to laugh 3 times! thats a world record. lol and then i jacked a big ass pickle jar. so it was cool towards the end when i helped clean up bcuz we were all just fuckin around with the mops and brooms. so that was my night. anyways HAPPY BIRTHDAY SAM!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO U, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO U, HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR SAM, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO U!! hope u have an awesomely intense happy birthday! bye :D.
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