May 03, 2005 14:16

Sry I haven't posted in a while. I've been going through a lot of stuff that I had to work through by myself so I really wasn't in the postsing mood. So lately, I've been running a lot and Sunday I had a track meet where Imet these two cute ass boys. The one boy Mark (my latest boyfriend) lives in Delaware but I see him every meet because all the track teams compete against each other at these meets. So then after my boyfriend had left (he left early) this other boy kept walking past staring at me. So I asked him why he was looking at me and he was like " I don't know. Maybe I think you look good maybe I don't". He was cute and all but...Mark looked better. When I was talking to him the other night, he had told me to shut up and I asked him what he said and he was like I said I love you. It was funny. O yea, I forgot to tell yall how I was talking to some boy named Andre and everytime he gets his prepaid turned back on, I use up all the minutes talking to him. He is funny as hell. So is Mark.
O man, there is so much stupid stuff going on with me lately. I've been really pissed off lately. It's kinda like, any and every thing dumb that people say to me just sets me off. I feel are just too dumb to tell when I'm mad and they just say the most retarded stuff. The only thing that is keeping me from going off on a lot of people is that I am trying to make my mom proud. She is proud of me right now and I want to keep her happy. She is always there for me and she is the only person who I can really relate to. Everything I'm going through right now, whether it be with boys or petty friends, she's already been there and she can give me advice and talk me through it. She is an inspiration. I really can't talk to anyone my age about stuff like this becuas enobody has been through this stuff. I mean, I know I seem happy on the outside but on the inside it's a whole different story. My real dad doesn't care about shit but himself, my stepdad looks out for me through everything, and my mom is my best friend. What kind of fucked up life am I leading???? It's crazy because all the stuff normal teens talk about to their friends I talk to my mom about. We mostly talk about boys, th latest parties, music, clothes, and just stuff I never thought my mom would understand. She's really understanding and she's a great listener.
When I go to high school, I swear I'm gonna be hanging around all boys. Girls are too petty and they talk to much. Girls are so two faced. Sometimes, I think was supposed to be born as a boy because I like hanging with boys more than I like hanging with girls. Or maybe I'm just too boy crazy for my own good?? I don't know, but I know I'll never be able to tell the difference.
Phil is such an asshole! We were on the phone like a week ago and he was planning on coming up here to see me. So he asked me if he was gonna spend the night and I said no so then he was like "come on ASIA stop drawin" Who the fuck is ASIA????? I swear last time I checked my name was Brittany??? He was extra cut after that little mistake!!
So I guess thats all for now. I felt a strong need to exppress myself. If you read this all the way through, thanx 4 being a good friend and actually paying attention to everything I had to say!!! BYE!!!!!
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