Pretty much nothing

Jun 29, 2005 19:28

Hey hey...god that sounds really lame. Hey, (much better)

So I've done pretty much nothing since my holidays began that fateful Saturday. Actually, that makes it sound like there was something special about it, which there wasn't. Not fateful at all...infact it was quite the boring one. Friday night I went out to dinner with my dad, stepmum and Todd, and we went to Cranzgott's gourmet pizza place down the road from my dad's in Nth Av. They have SUCH GOOD PIZZA THERE!!!!! Becky and Sara, you guys are staying at mine the Saturday before Crescent, and I shall request that we go there for dinner. Then we came back home, watched the football game on tv and played the Sims on my laptop and watched Big Brother up late.

Saturday I did nothing and then my dad droppped me at my mum's at 2:30 because we were going to see a movie for the last night of the Sydney Film Festival at the State Theatre in the city. If anyone has heard of Spirited Away, it is a Japanese animated movie and it's really good and won heaps of awards. I'm obsessed with Studio Ghibli movies and have seen heaps of them, and the movie we saw was their newest one; so new in fact that it had not been dubbed in English yet so we watched it with subtitles. It was called Howl's Moving Castle and I can't get over how gorgeous it was! I absolutely loved it!!!! When it comes out in Australia dubbed in English I'm buying it for SURE!!!!!!

Sunday...oh Sunday I was meant to go to the football to watch Manly smash the Bulldogs (boy was I wrong) but it was raining so I just went to Todd's to watch it on TV. We both got really pissed off that Manly lost to the seedy, seedy Bulldogs, so we decided to sit in Todd's room with the tv on waiting for Big Brother to start, and we just happened to strike up a conversation about some VERY interesting stuff, which I shouldn't say in case this person reads my LiveJournal (don't worry guys, it wasn't any of my friends so don't get paranoid that it was you). It was hilarious, we talked about it through most of BB and then through House which was after it, and THEN in the car on the way home! Gosh! Long long convo!!

Monday...boring again. Woke up at 11:30, then just veged out on the couch the rest of the day with my laptop on my lap...pretty exciting.... not.

Tuesday I went to my mum's early in the morning when my dad went to work, and I basically slept all day on the couch...another eventful day.

Today, however, was actually very eventful. Todd works four days a week, but on Wednesdays he has tafe. This particular day was marking day at his tafe so he didn't have to go, which he didn't tell his boss otherwise he would have had to work. I went to his house early in the morning and we drove out to his tafe in Ryde to drop off some work then went to DFO in Homebush. I bought a pair of pink cotton Mambo shorts, and Todd bought a jacket. We then went to Warriewood Square and bought some chicken and rolls and shapes and lemonade (so many 'and's!!) from the supermarket and headed back to my empty house to watch the Carl Barron dvd and pig out on crappy food. God I love Carl Barron. We then attempted to find something good on tv, and the only thing Todd could come up with was Jerry Springer and Recess. Nice effort. He then left to try on his friend's ski pants which his friend was selling, as Todd is going to Canada at the end of this year and was not willing to pay a shitload of money for brand new ski pants.

Wow, I reckon everyone wanted to hear that, hey? No actually I don't. Tina, there are a few things missing from Friday and today's stories and I'm sure you know what they are hahahahahaha(personal joke, don't worry!!)

Love Jess xx

P.S. Still waiting on the Sims Day Becky and Phil!!!!
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