Heya folks,
I've just come back from the cinema. I went to see King Kong with my dad. It was such an awesome movie, but so sad. I haven't cried in a movie since I was 5 years old in Aladdin, when Genie left Agrabah, but I cried in King Kong. Kong was the most gorgeous thing I have ever seen, and I just couldn't help myself. I still can't believe it made my cry as movies don't tend to provoke much emotion in me for some reason.
Look at him...okay maybe not the best choice of photo.
Awww...there he is!!
Look how sweet he is? Isn't he just gorgeous?
This is the part where I cried, when he died. It was just so incredibly sad! He was the most gorgeous thing ever! Especially the part where Anne is with Kong in the park on the frozen pond... oh! I'm going to cry again!!!
It's just such an awesome movie, but why did he have to die?! I can't believe I'm getting this emotional over a fictional gigantic gorilla who lives on Skull Island!
Love Jess xx
P.S. I definitely didn't ruin the story for anyone. Anything I've said about the storyline is the same as the first King Kong movie and if you knew the original King Kong story you would have already know the stuff I've mentioned, except for the part in the park on the ice, which is the most gorgeous thing ever.