Dream Me Up (I Am Muse).

Mar 14, 2010 04:41

Paint me a dream my painter,
paint me in a field of strawberries
bathed in mildew under the dawn.
Paint me a place with no worries,
where I can rush past the darkness of the dusk.

Build me a dream, my builder.
With your skilled hands make it come true.
Build me a woodland cottage
where I can be myself 'cause I'm with you.

Sculpt me a dream my sculpter,
sculpt me a sun and a moon.
Sculpt me a thousand stars to keep me company
and if you wish , sculpt me a sculpture of you.

Painters have painted me the wildest of dreams
and builders have build for me dreamscapes too.
Sculptes have sculpted me the most amazing of dazes
but all in vain, they wont keep the nightmares away.

I need a true dreamer to dream me a dream.

Flying fishes of a golden sheen,
a tropical island of neverending shores
a hazelnut sun in a violet sky
make my night serene, make the nightmares pass by.

Dream all this for me my dreamer, dream me happy,
make me fly.

© MoodilyLit, 2010

theme: art, theme: dreams, theme: romance, original work: poetry, length: long

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