Bones: Into Oblongs (Angela)

Feb 14, 2008 11:51

Written for choc_fic, with the prompt, Bones, Angela Montenegro: angst - the faces they haunt her.

Title: Into Oblongs
Author: voleuse
Fandom: Bones
Character: Angela
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Not mine.
Summary: One grandmother recognized her, seeing this head, painted, cast in plaster.
Notes: No spoilers

Angela never pretended this was what she wanted to do with her life.

In college, she took anatomy courses because her advisor told her she deserved more than three courses in life drawing, watching bored drama students pose under fluorescent lighting. She took a year's worth of anatomy and physiology, then a year's worth of gross anatomy, and by the end of the sequence, half of the biology department was in love with her, and she knew she didn't mind the smell of formaldehyde as long as there was lemon-scented soap in her near future.

She dated a detective once, and he told her about a body they had found, too decayed to make a proper ID. She put her sandwich down ("And I'm done with the pastrami, thanks") and asked him whether they'd hired someone to do reconstruction. He looked at her, almost smirking, and that was the last date they had.

The next week, of course, she watched his press conference on TV, watched him present the evidence. She spent half the time criticizing the sketch their artist had composed, because the slope of the jaw was all wrong, and the blond hair pure conjecture.

Angela never pretended this was what she wanted to do with her life, but she knew she did it well, and she couldn't imagine anyone else working with Temperance without having a nervous breakdown.

She tried not to touch the bodies (they always told her to say the remains, but she couldn't do it, not in her head), but even when she entered the data into her graphics programs, all vectors and planes and what-ifs, she could feel the gritty cool of polished bone beneath her fingertips.

She stared at the renderings for hours. They asked her to reposition the forms, play out possible movement in the minutes before a murder. She could do more; she could make the victim seem alive again.

She didn't need to try--it was the play she saw behind her eyes, every morning, every night. The way the others could look at fragments and dirt and tell her exactly what the victim did for a living, when the victim had played sports, why the victim probably stopped while walking.

She could show them the victim's smile, but she didn't. Some pains, she thought, were best kept private, and small.


A/N: Title and summary adapted from Tina Barr's Ministry. Link courtesy of breathe_poetry.

Crossposted to choc_fic.

bones, challenge: choc_fic

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