BSG: The Farming Report (Lee/Kara)

Jan 15, 2008 16:29

For elly427, who wanted a BSG ficlet with Kara/Lee and anticipation.

Title: The Farming Report
Author: voleuse
Fandom: Battlestar Galactica
Pairing: Lee/Kara
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Not mine.
Summary: I imagine you in something extraordinary.
Notes: Set after 1.07

Kara spun the empty bottle on the table, scattering a stack of cards as she did it. She watched them cascade off the table, thwip-swish of the collapse echoing faintly in the empty rec room.

"Aren't you supposed to be in physical therapy?"

She twisted in her chair to watch Lee as he strode in. "Frak, Apollo." She winced as she settled back into her chair. "Don't you have better things to do than keep track of me."

"You'd think so," he said, a smile twisting his lips, "but the nuggets are driving me up the wall."

She laughed, and spun the bottle again. "And you always thought teaching was easy."

"Something like that." He leaned against the table beside her. "Or maybe they miss seeing you in action."

"Or maybe you do." She smirked, twisted the bottle between her hands until he snatched it away. "Hey!"

"Maybe I do," he said, and then he tossed the bottle away. Together, they watched it spin end over end until it crashed into the trash bin.

The glass shattered and Kara winced despite herself.

Lee straightened, and his hand brushed the back of her shoulders as he circled around the table. "Have fun picking up those cards," he remarked.

She didn't shiver until he disappeared through the hatch.


A/N: Title and summary adapted from Simon Pettet's "Sleep fitful wake grumpy...". Link courtesy of breathe_poetry.

bsg: lee-kara, bsg

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