FMA: Not Only Newsprint (Winry)

Aug 10, 2006 15:29

Written for 1character, challenge set alpha.

Title: Not Only Newsprint
Author: voleuse
Fandom: Fullmetal Alchemist
Character: Winry Rockbell
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Not mine.
Summary: She tries to help them before the patterns of tides reach their lives.
Notes: Spoilers for the anime series, but not the movie

01. speak
The tilt of an axle or a twisted wire often make more sense to her than words.

02. touch
After a long day, the dry warmth of Pinako's hand on her shoulder sometimes startles Winry.

03. memory
Winry can recite, in chronological and alphabetical order, every piece of machinery she's ever fixed.

04. vanilla
In the summer, Pinako makes ice cream in an old churn, and while she eats Winry contemplates the ways she could replicate the mechanism.

05. chocolate
Al used to share his chocolate bars with Winry, and she liked the ones with the shiny silver wrappers best.

06. ways and means
Pinako mumbles under her breath when the tax collector comes--it's the only time Winry ever hears her curse.

07. belief
Ed recites the elements like a prayer, or an incantation, but Winry stopped contemplating the gods long ago.

08. linger
She only ever sees Wrath at the edges of her vision, and he speaks a word to any of them.

09. illuminance
Her nightmares are houses aflame, flashes of gunpowder, and metal glinting as it melts.

10. ornament
Ed's crankiness wears on her, and she threatens to reclaim his arm for artist's scrap.

11. coup de foudre
Pinako puts a wrench into Winry's hands, her face solemn and filled with hope; Winry is four and a half.

12. archway
Late at night, after Al falls silent, Ed tells her about the gate, and she shivers.

13. fate
One afternoon, Sheska asks Winry if she's ever wanted to be a doctor, instead, and Winry only laughs.

14. pulse
The way metal grinds beneath her hands sometimes feels more alive to her than flesh.

15. envelope
Occasionally, Ed's mail will be routed to the Rockbell home, where Winry keeps each letter safe in the second drawer of her desk.

16. cold
After she brazes the joints together, Winry opens the window of her workshop, until the heat stops teasing at her fingers.

17. need
She laughs at Sheska's compulsive sprint into the bookstore, but she does the same thing when they pass a shelf of hardware.

18. drunk
The only time Ed has ever frightened her is when he stared hard at a bottle of spirits, twirled it in his hand, before returning it to the shelf with a careless shrug.

19. mask
In the winter, when she sits next to her grandmother in the firelight, Winry asks her about her past, but Pinako only smiles.

20. rose
She puts three flowers on Trisha Elric's grave every year--a lily for Trisha, a rose for her parents, and a forget-me-not for Ed, wherever he is.

21. two
There are times, as Winry travels with the Elrics, when she feels she might as well not be there at all.

22. fresh
All the vegetables in the city taste duller, dustier than the ones at home.

23. bribe
On the train, Ed blusters at the conductor, flashing his watch to get a better cabin, while Winry quietly slips an attendant a few coins.

24. error
The first time Winry attempts to craft automail, Pinako looks it over, and tells her, "Once more, and slowly."

25. appetite
The fourteenth time Winry works on automail, on her own, Pinako brings her supper to the workshop, pats her on the shoulder, and nods three times.

26. refrain
While she dusts in the house, Pinako hums under her breath; it's several years before Winry recognizes it as her mother's lullaby.

27. family
She hates that she can't remember her parents, sometimes not even their faces.

28. grieve
She loved Trisha Elric too, but she never mentions it.

29. vapor
Winry can guess what Pinako has worked on, or the boys have conjured--she can smell the difference between copper and nickel, between gold and iron.

30. tea
She'll let coffee sit in its mug until it's cold, but if Al brings her tea, Winry picks up the cup and breathes in the steam.

31. medicine
She tries to spit the taste of castor oil from her mouth, and Al asks her to tell him, exactly please, why.

32. moth
At night, on the train, she watches an insect buzz around the dim lights, its feet dragging against the plastic casing in dull thuds.

33. perfect
Winry is nine when she finally accepts even metal can have imperfections.

34. rope
One of the hinges on her valise is loose, and Winry uses twine to secure it, never thinking to ask one of the boys for a repair.

35. wind
In the city, Winry can't even hear the breeze over the clatter of sound, and that's when she realizes how much she misses home.

36. crossroads
Sheska looks at Winry, sidelong, and asks if maybe she'd come visit her again, in Central City.

37. summer
There is an apple tree growing, where the Elric house used to stand, and Winry climbs high, plucks the last ripe apples from their hiding place.

38. candy
They never eat taffy, neither Winry nor Pinako, for fear of the sugar, inexorably gumming up in delicate gears.

39. photograph
It startles her sometimes, to see Al, and realize anew how the years haven't touched him.

40. spoon
Sometimes Winry forgets she's eating dinner, and starts twisting her spoon into the shape of her next project.

41. forest
Winry lives her life in two parts, machine and mountain, wrench and flowering twigs, but she never feels the dissonance.

42. mirror
She uses her mirror when she ties her hair back, or washes grease from her face, but not for much else.

43. smoke
Sometimes clients find her in the shop, face shielded, blowtorch in hand as she welds, and they seem surprised.

44. shine
Winry used to polish Al's armor as they talked, and sometimes she misses that, and her hands feel too idle.

45. balloon
Rose's baby shrieks with laughter when Winry rubs the red balloon against her hair, and even Rose smiles, a little bit.

46. vine
There is an art to the way wires snake up automail--when Winry was younger, she imagined they grew into place.

47. butterfly
Winry stares at things that fly, at birds and bats and butterflies, and wonders.

48. gloves
She wishes Ed would take off his gloves once in a while; she likes the contrast between pliant skin and warm metal.

49. venom
There are still some trade secrets Pinako hasn't shared; when Winry discovers a trayful of liquid-filled vials, Pinako thwaps her hand and says simply, "Acid."

50. remain
Al writes letters to her, long and rambling ones, and Winry reads each of them with a sense of déjà vu.


A/N: Title and summary adapted from Kelli Russell Agodon's Of a Forgetful Sea. Link courtesy of breathe_poetry.

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