Dec 07, 2006 00:48
I think I like the older posts I used ot make rather than the newer ones aI throw an attempts at, not that they have to be amazing or what not
Scratch that, as of this point, everything I do has to be exemplenary, otherwise I appear like the navy blue collar worker that I'm terrified of becoming.
And as such, I have to keep that image to myself.
Although I have no trouble keeping that image to myself, and the pressure on.
Especially when falling back on the opening paragraph, but I feel that the old me had some more interesting stuff to write, as of now I've got nothing, nothing really happens to me, and if it does it's more embarrasing or of the moment/have to be there, kinda deals.
It's a sad fate, but all ofa sudden it's gotten me to wondering the question that I though I had killed and answered.
Am I happier out of my teens, or do I wish I were back in them
And, being that I put so much stock in this question, I imagine it's not only just me that has this on the brain.