
Jan 10, 2013 08:20

Yesterday, around 3pm, I was no longer apart of the 70 percentile from my graduating class of '12.

I have a job. In my career field.

In St. Louis.

I am working downtown in a web design firm, and will be starting 2 weeks from now. My new co-workers seem like they should be enjoyable to work with, and I should learn quite a bit from them. One of their winning comments: "Oh yeah, we have beer in the fridge. You're welcome to any of them."

This means packing up things from both of my current places of residence, moving them, and buying extra needed furniture. Already have a few apartment buildings scouted out, and will be heading over this weekend to look.

I am trying to keep this under wraps, as I have a second interview with a graphic design job this Friday. We'll see how that one goes, but unless they are promising the world, I think I am sticking with St. Louis.

I also began to watch Sgt. Keroro, as recommended by a friend. At first, I was a little disturbed by all of the randomness... By the second season however, it has begun to grow on me. If I can still goto ACen, I am considering cosplaying Koyuki since the same friend will be cosplaying another one of the characters. We will see..

2013 is a good year.


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