Ringo Rama indeed

Jul 31, 2003 11:15

(the word "fuck" may be liberally used in this entry)

Holy crap. Holy, holy, holy crap. For the love of all that is and ever will be, THAT WAS THE MOST AWESOME CONCERT EVER.

I have never heard the State Theatre that loud before. And there were no less than 10 standing ovations. That place was rockin'.

Sheila E is a fucking goddess. If I were male, I'd want Sheila E to have my babies. WOW. I wonder if I'll ever have that much freaking energy. She nearly stole the show, and handily brought the house down more than once.

Colin Hay? Awesome. "Down Under" and "Who Can It Be Now" went over big. And yes, he did do the eye thing in the latter song.

Paul Carrack. Dude. I can die happy because I got to hear "Tempted" live. That song is like my guilty secret. I absolutely love it for no apparent reason. And it was fucking awesome. And of course, "Living Years" was pretty awesome too. He also sang a solo version of "Love Will Keep Us Alive" which was about 3000 times better than the Eagles version (and I'd no idea he was a cowriter on that song.)

John Waite looked like a chicken on speed, but I love him so it was okay. "Missing You" was truly inspired and we got a Tom Jones interlude (previous to the song, John Waite said something about feeling like Tom Jones, and Ringo replied, "Yeah, but you're never going to rip those pants.") And "When I See You Smile" took me right back to Route 100 Roller Skating. Hee.

Mark Rivera. Um. Yeah. I now have a huge mad crush on Mark Rivera. I liked him before, but this is the first time I'd seen him that close, and...yeah. *pants* Plus he can play just about every instrument under the sun, which gets him more points.

And, of course, Ringo. Ringo! Aaaaa!!! Ringo kicked ass! He was joking with the crowd the whole time and jumping around and playing fabulous songs (particularly "The No-No Song" and "Photograph") and it was just fucking amazing. I got to see a Beatle. Dude. I heart Ringo.

And I got to see him in a 1500 seat theatre, which is by far the smallest venue on the entire tour. And Ringo was loving it. And so were we. We let him know how much we appreciated that he agreed to play a venue that small. Several times. It was absolutely nuts.

And then, after the show, I hear someone calling my name...and I turn around, and it's Nateykins! Nateykins is one of my bestest friends from high school, and I actually haven't seen him in AGES even though we live really close to each other. So we spent some time squeeing at each other and exchanged phone numbers again. Yay!

Fucking fantastic night.
Best. Fucking. Concert. Ever.
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