Jun 05, 2004 16:47
Graduation this weekend was good! Polly Graduated!!! And i got to see Clinton speak from the floor of the football field (i was pretty close but it was hard to see over people). His speach was surprisingly political for a graduation but i guess i should have expected that... Saturday was freezing but sunday was really nice! It was a good weekend except that it was a little bit too much family-togetherness for me... I love my family but when they're the only people I know and I'm with them non-stop for like 5 days it gets to be a bit much...
Monday we came here to albany and i speant the setting up my room and such. Tuesday was my first day of work at Albany Nanotech (and i only met kaloyeros for like 2 minutes and he didn't end up leading me, i don't know why they told me he would). So i'm working with this team of really nice employees to do research and I get to be in the same office as 3 other interns (the other 4 interns are all alone with they're employee hosts). So i totally lucked out that way. The other interns are really nice!! I like them all!! I don't really know anyone else here other than my roommate, who is really really nice.
So the week was intense... it was like... 8 hours of learning and reading and observing and taking notes, and i've learned so much more in these past four days than in a semester of Nanotech!! So i'm in the process of being trained on all this million dollar equipment!! It's really exciting! And the people are all great, and the material is cool. So i love my work, basically!!!!!
Yesterday for some reason we had a couple hours with nothing to do between training and our employee hosts let us wander the town!! During work hours! It was so nice. So Matt and Ian (other interns) took me down to see the mall and this nice bread shop, Panera, where we had lunch. It was a really great day!
Today I spent the day with Stefan (the intern from Germany!!) wandering around downtown Albany (there's like nothing there!!! it's so small and sad! But for what it is, it's pretty and cute, just... small... and lacks entertainment). We then took the bus down to the mall and I just got back. Going to dinner in a little bit and then maybe a movie, we'll see. So the weekend has been great and it's only going to get better!! Waiting impatiently for tommorrow!! I think i like it here :>)