Aug 30, 2004 20:24
its a fact...strawburry yougurt is tha best mos incredibly 4 shigadalistic pimpen...anyguey ive been duwann mai college scrang at las pOsitAs and i must sai the female gender on that hill behind costco is extremely acceptionally nioce...classes are aight classmates ...thas a different story but whoda thought id get college credits 4 playin basketball 4 an urr n a 4 me..I dont even kno half mai teachers names they juss talk we listen take notes, go home do work, turn it in and do it all ovurr again..EMBARRASING MOMENT of the month: twas the 1st dai of school in the 1st class..i sit down and there was 1 seat open n it was next to me so the teacher told this bigggg ass dude(dont wanna say fat but......fat) dude 2 sit nexx 2 me Note:little ass desks...ok so he gets in the churr and his desk tips ovurr on to me n it tilted mine ovurr and i almost fell ovurr..i was scrate balancin on 2 desk legs but i survived..good wai 2 start the rest of mai life other news coo coo kyle came bacc 4 the weekend n me him n just blaze spun, stole, n walked tha screets..ughhh me n just blaze r gowann 2 fresno 2 see coo coo n the fres-ho's this weekend that is after i see Kanye tidda n ma$e tha nite be4 perform in its kinda like it "all falls down" when they land in their "spaceship" and were like "welcome bacc" and they juss "breath,stretch,shake,n let it go" but dont trip we all got "family business" but some people juss spit it "through the wire"...til further adieu...."ima leave eerything behind on thirty dais when i evict u out mai mind" ~ keak...holla atcha frog..gone...