(no subject)

May 18, 2011 04:32

So much has happened since I last updated! Finally, school is out and I couldn't be more relieved. I successfully performed in my tap dance recital and... I didn't go to my math final. My average before the final was a 34, so I figured it would have just been a waste of gas to drive to school to take a final that wouldn't have helped me even if I did pass :( I have my fingers crossed for this fall semester, I have my classes all picked out (I just need to register for them), I'm even going to take a couple of days off from work to open up time to do homework so I don't really see any flaws in my plan!

My friend Mariyah came back from basic training in... Virgina? I always forget where she was, haha. It feels like she had been gone for so much longer! Unfortunately, she wasn't able to graduate because she fractured her foot right before graduation :( But now she's back and she's going to be signing up for fall classes so at least I won't be at school alone anymore haha.

Speaking of friends coming back, my best friend Chelo (the one I have matching tattoos with) is coming home for a visit!! She moved to Germany last year and augh, I'm so excited to finally be able to see her! There's so much mix-up right now though. She was supposed to be here today but the flight she was on from Germany had to return to the airport because there was a fuel leakage :'( After that was fixed, they landed in Delaware where there weren't any flights to Texas so now I'm hoping that she'll be here later today. I am kind of sad though, I wanted to be at the airport when she got there but if she comes today, I'm going to be at work. I've never gone to the airport to meet someone/see them off.

In other news, I opened an etsy account! I want to use it to sell some of my paintings and to sell clothes as well :) I won't be selling mine at ridiculously OUTRAGEOUS prices through, no pieces more than $25... unless its something that I really would like to keep for myself lol.
Please check it out! http://www.etsy.com/people/iwantyoursoda

I have successfully sold my camera! She's been through a lot, but my mom surprised me with a Canon T3i for my birthday so its time for an upgrade. My friend Kat is giving me the money for it on Saturday, I'm very excited for this new camera!!! I've had a fisheye lens and a flower hood collecting dust that I'm just itching to use.

I think that's about all I have to say, so under the cut are some pictures!

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