i miss u

Apr 17, 2011 20:27

Tumblr sux. I miss actually blogging and typing about my life every day, all I do on tumblr is reblog anime screencaps and relate them to my real life (I suck). LJ has way more to offer with communities so I don't know why I left in the first place... I think it was because I fell behind reading my friends' posts.

Here's my first try at coming back to the LJ universe. I'll just introduce myself all over again.

I'm Valerie, 19 years old but soon to be 20 (May 2!). I go to a community college to get my associate in applied sciences in 3-D Animation, I hope to one day work for Pixar and/or Disney. I work at Forever 21 and it's ok. I have a boyfriend and we've been together for a year and 2 months (or something like that).

Anyways, I'm just going to jump right into blogging.

I worked from 11am to 5pm today. I experienced an incredibly rude customer :( She was asking me why her daughter forgot her accessories in the fitting room and walked away when I was in mid-sentence! ; o ; It was in front of another customer too so all the lady could do was give me a sympathetic look because I was literally speechless. After almost working a year there, I had never had someone treat me with such disrespect! Momma u need 3 check urself before u wreck urself
Sometimes I feel sort of unappreciated at work :( I work in a 2-story one in the fitting room on the second floor, I'm mainly a sorter which just means I sort the clothes to their right sections and then send them out back onto the floor. Some days I feel like I'm working way too hard and not getting paid enough for all the effort. It's my responsibility to learn the elements of each room, know what pieces are where, etc.... and obviously it gets busy in the fitting room, such as times when people are trying on clothes faster than I can sort them and I get backed up :(

About a month ago, I bought myself Pokemon Black and a Nintendo DSi!!! It's pretty exciting for me, considering that all I own is a gamecube and a PS2. Although I feel like I should have bought a PSP... there's not very many games I care to play on the DS besides Pokemon. A lot of people tell me Golden Sun or Dragon Ages or whatever but those just don't seem interesting to me. I should get My Spanish Coach or whatever language and see if it works lmao. Around the same time, Jesus (my bf) got kicked out of his house and was staying with me for a little while. He brought his big (its big to me okay) TV and Xbox 360! Finally, it's like I actually own one * A *!!!!
All I do is internet and netflix, the true life of a loser.

I'm going to see Toy Story 3 on ice on Wednesday!! I'm very excited, it's been forever since I've seen anything "on ice".

I guess a recent picture of myself is due.
My hair has come a pretty long way since it's last complete shave in March last year. I'm wearing a tiny ponytail in this picture so you can't really tell, but dream hair here I come~~~~

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