Sep 01, 2007 17:01
There's not much to do after a good days work (on a day off) at school.
I could do the work I brought home.
I could clean the house since my parents are FINALLY coming to see it tomorrow.
I could whine about how silly it was to overpay my car payment twice this month. Who needs an extra $500, anyhoo?
I could figure out what that weird smell in the kitchen is.
I could watch select episodes of Stargate and then fall asleep. (We're done with the series and now the dreams are back)
I could drive to Walnut Creek and nap with Nick before his game.
I could call my sister so she doesn't think I hate her.
I could play with the bird, even though we spent 6 hours of cuddle time at school together.
I could organize my new desk.
I could go back to school and get ready for Tuesday.
I could do some laundry.
I could fingerpaint.
I could color all of Rommie's brown hair black so she looks more like Zelda.
I could create a binder for all of our monthly bills, accounts, etc.
But alas, it is 100 degrees outside and I have an icy cold pool, a good book (albeit, one I've read a few times) and a $5 tube in which to lay.
I'll be in the pool if you need me.