Oct 30, 2004 16:11
i was bored a lil while ago so i wrote a song usin all the nice things i could think of!
If i wrote down all of my feeling for you, i'd probally fill up an ocean or 2. In the end i decided to write the ABC's of youuuuuuu.
I think you're A-1, grade A, beloved and beautiful. Capeable, caring, delighful, dependable. Enjoyable, excelent, facinating, fabulous. great good helping loveable likeable marvolus magnificent naturally nice. One of a kind, pleasing, priceless, queen-like in quality, rare and radient. Stimulating, Splended, Supurb, Sensational. thoughtful, thinks of others and thankful. Unique, unpresidented, very very vauable, worthy, welcome, extraordanary, Xceptional! Yes Yes Yes, YOU YOU YOU, YOURE ONE IN A ZILLION!!!