First the video which a number of years on still looks amazing, and Janet looks amazing.
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And now, onto my
2008 predictions. My total from 2007 was 3/10. Well, it couldn't get much worse, could it?
1) Ottawa will get another CFL team, to start playing in 2009.
They're working on it, although the CFL will not field a team in Ottawa for 2009. 0/1
2) Obama vs Huckabee. Obama wins by a landslide.
Obama by a landslide. Huckabee tanked against McCain, which considering the complete ineptitude of the McCain camp re: Palin, is a huge WTF. 0.5/2
3) Conservative government loses a vote of no confidence, but then wins a majority over weak opponents.
Conservative minority. Then the coalition & proroguing. 0.5/3
4) Britney Spears goes to rehab again, but it sticks this time. Writes a tell-all book, crucifying her Mom for being a monster and not allowing her to get help for drugs early on since it would ruin her career.
None of the above. She makes a reasonable comeback - who knew? 0.5/4
5) The hollywood writer's strike ends the 2008 TV season, and although it doesn't wipe out the Oscars, it does end the reign of many popular shows, such as Grey's Anatomy, E.R. and Desperate Housewives.
I was right that it didn't wipe out the Oscars, but all three of those shows are still on. Killed off the season for 24 and made a mess of Heroes. 1/5
6) Vista will be declared a horrible failure. And Apple will release OSX for retail sale for all PCs.
Vista was declared a horrible failure. OSX, denied! 1.5/6
7) As a result of the writer's strike WWE will move all three of their programs to NBC. TNA will move to CBS. This will cause a huge boom in ratings, and begin a new wrestling war between WWE and TNA.
Not. Even. Close. Worst. Prediction. Ever. 1.5/7
8) The NHL will allow the relocation of a team to Kansas City, and be dubbed the Scouts. Phoenix will play an Exhibition game in Winnipeg and wear Jets jerseys. The MTS centre will be sold out and renew the rumors of a relocation back to Winnipeg.
Nope, although Kansas City, Las Vegas and Winnipeg keep coming up for relocation. 1.5/8
9) Both Iraq and Afgahnistan will improve, prompting commanders to state they may be able to leave around 2012.
They threw around 2011, but nobody thinks they will be out anytime soon. 1.5/9
10) A Pop Diva will have sex on stage.
If only, if only. 1.5/10
So I hit a grand total of 15%. Wow, half of 2007. Man, did I suck at 2008. Nowhere to go but up now - I hope!
1) A huge natural disaster will occur in 2009 causing President Obama to have a similar 'defining moment' as G.W. Bush. However, this will not cause Obama to invade another country.
2) Michael Jackson will die. Thriller will become a downloadable song for Rock Band the day after.
3) Axl Rose will declare Guns and Roses dead. Axl will then be dead two months later.
4) The recession will not be deep, but will take beyond 2009 to sort itself out.
5) Oil will drop to $30/barrel.
6) Stage 2 of Winnipeg's Rapid Transit System will be announced to be started right after the completion of Stage 1. (It currently has no firm date)
7) Chrysler will merge with GM. (My heart weeps for this)
8) Three NHL teams will go bankrupt and/or be moved in 2009. Chief candidates are Phoenix, Atlanta and Nashville.
9) The Blue Bombers will return to the Grey Cup, but lose.
10) A female pop star will come out of the closet and it will be the next big thing for girls to have girlfriends with benefits!