Okay..what the hell am I doing?

Jun 08, 2006 22:44

....cause I'm really not sure. You'd think a computer savvy person such as myself would be able to figure out this whole LJ deal, right? Nope! I've never been so damned confused in my life. *well..that doesn't count any math classes I've had in my years cause...negative numbers? What the fuck!?* Anyway. This is a pretty sad entry I suppose...I haven't got a life..and I've been sick the last week so what life I was busy not having I've had to put on hold while I sat at home with a sore throat, stuffed nose and blurry eyes. I look really sexy right now...nothing like a dirty blonde with a red nose, heh? *stops to give it a good blow..my nose that is*. So why the entry? I don't really know. It's not like I actually have anyone to *READ* it...what with what I think is a pretty much non existent friend list.

I need to interst something to make this sexy.

Ohh..Darren Hayes. Instant sexyness. My work here is done.


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