Valentine's Day 2009, or Why My Girlfriend Is So Very Awesome

Feb 21, 2009 00:46


I am posting about Valentine's Day, yes, a week after it actually happened. I'm cool like that.

Anyway, on to the topic at hand, my girlfriend is incredibly awesome, but you out there on the internet are probably the kind who would say, "Well, sir, I would be more inclined to believe you if you could provide some sort of substantiating evidence. As I do not perceive this world-or this reality, however you wish to call it-the same way you do, your experience, from my perspective, may very well not even exist at all," or in the more common Internet parlance, "PICS OR IT NEVAR HAPPEND".

Exhibit A: The Gifts

Exhibit A.1: The Katamari of Love

Exhibit A.2: The Katamari Card

Exhibit B.1: The Katamari of Love in Action, Pre-gets

Exhibit B.1: The Katamari of Love in Action, Gets Achieved

I motioned that the contents of the card be stricken from the record (i.e. not shown on the interblags) so as to protect the privacy of the parties involved. However, if you see me in person I can show you what's written inside, if you want.

So yeah, my girlfriend rules <3

games, love

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